Instructions for teachers Scoreboard – Click the top right corner to add 1, bottom right to subtract 1, top left to add 5, bottom left to subtract 5. Navigation - Click the “Doraemon English Game” logo to return to the question selection slide. Questions – They will appear automatically. Click once to show the answer. Put images in the blank area. Pokemon, Yu-Gi-Oh, SpongeBob, and other bomb games at: -Kyle.
I can’t find my red bean cakes. Please help me find them. I’m hungry!
= points = Mystery power-up
What number is this? ONE Insert image here
What number is this? TWO
What number is this? THREE
What number is this? FOUR
What number is this? FIVE
How many bears do you have? (Hint: I have _____ bears.) I have six bears.
How many lions do you have? (Hint: I have _____ lions.) I have seven lions.
How many dogs do you have? (Hint: I have _____ dogs.) I have eight dogs.
How many monkeys do you have? (Hint: I have _____ monkeys.) I have nine monkeys.
How many pigs do you have? (Hint: I have _____ pigs.) I have ten pigs.
How many cats? One cat.
How many cows? Two cows.
How many chickens? Three chickens.
How many dogs? Four dogs.
How many Ducks? Five ducks.
How many horses? Six horses.
Do you have any mice? Yes I do. I have two mice.
Do you have any cats? No I don’t. don’t have any cats.
Do you have any rabbits? Yes I do. I have nine rabbits.
Do you have any sheep? No I don’t. I don’t have any sheep.
Do you have a monkey? No, I don’t.
Do you have a lion? Yes, I do.
Do you have a kangaroo? No, I don’t.
Do you have a bear? Yes I do.
How many tigers do you have? (Hint: I have _____ tigers.) I have two tigers.
How many cats do you have? (Hint: I have _____ cats.) I have three cats.