The Giraffe By S. P.
Outline Introduction Outline Vocabulary Place of Living Life Anatomy Necks Food Social Life Babies Interesting Facts A Task for the Class Conclusion
Vocabulary Adult - dospělý Female - samička Male - sameček In captivity – v zajetí Average - průměrný Weight - váha Tongue - jazyk Defence - obrana Against - proti Insects - hmyz Birth - narození Twigs - větvičky Chew - žvýkat Swallow - polykat Inhabit - obývat Hum - Pattern - vzor Gestation – doba březosti Adulthood - dospělost
Place of Living usually inhabit savannas, grasslands and open woodlands
Life lifespan up to 25 years in the wild size, eyesight and powerful kicks: adult giraffes are usually not in danger Lions and crocodilles Calfs – only ¼ - ½ reach adulthood by leopards, spotted hyenas and wild dogs
Anatomy Adult giraffe is 4.3–5.7 m tall males taller than females 1,192 kg - the average weight for an adult male 828 kg for an adult female see in colour sharp hearing and smell tongue is about 45 cm long Tail: 1m, defense against insects
Necks Neck up to 2–2.4 m Male giraffes use their necks as weapons in combats Babies necks get long a few weeks after their birth
Feeding twigs of trees, shrubs, grass and fruit around 34 kg daily the giraffe first chews its food, then swallows and back into the mouth to chew again giraffe drinks at intervals no longer than three days in captivity, sleeps around 4.6 hours per day, mostly at night
Social Life Live in groups communicate using various sounds communicate over long distances using infrasound During nighttime, giraffes hum to each other above the infrasound range – we don´t know why
Babies gestation 400–460 days a single calf is normally born twins occur sometimes (not very often) Mother gives birth standing up head and front legs first falls to the ground Mum helps the baby to stand up newborn giraffe is about 1.7–2 m tall Can run a few hours after the birth
Interesting Facts Each individual giraffe has a unique coat pattern can sprint at speed of up to 60 km/h can run at 50 km/h for several kilometres can close its nose to protect against sandstorms and ants
A Task for the Class Why do the giraffes close their noses? What do they use the tail for? How many babies are usually born? What do the male giraffes use the necks for? How long is adult giraffe´s neck? Can giraffes smell and hear well? What do the giraffes eat?
Thank you for your attention