2012 TAB Cost Center Budget Options Jayne F. Cerone, CAE Staff Director – Governance, Communications and Volunteer Relations, IEEE Technical Activities
TAB cost center expenses: travel and meeting accommodations –3 TAB meetings –TAB Management Committee (6 mtgs) –TAB Strategic Planning Committee (3 mtgs) –3 VPs –VP Reps –Division Directors –Staff in Communications, Governance and Volunteer Relations –Business class travel –Leadership Orientation 12/18/20152
2012 Budgeting Guideline: All travel budget lines to be no more than 10% above 2010 actuals. Issues: – 2010 was cost containment year; low travel numbers (relatively) –There are more international trips in 2012 than in 2010 –Travel costs are increasing –Different volunteers in roles each year; some travel, some do not 12/18/20153
Status Approx. $100K over budget based on the 10% over 2010 actuals rule Where do you want to make cuts – or do you? 12/18/20154
Recommend no changes to 2012 first pass No decrease in TAB Mtgs line (3 TAB mtgs), as now meets 10% rule and expect increased costs to this line 3 VP travel –Consistent at 36K/18K/18K Division Director travel –Formula based on number of S/C in Division –Varies from YtoY based on home/mtg locations 12/18/20155
Recommended additional cuts to first pass Reduce N&A travel = $3K Corporate officer travel (mtg room costs, additional costs for DDs based on location, stationery, misc) = $5.4K [$15.4 to 10K] Staff travel (to TAB and mini-meetings) = $6K [$41 to 35K] Total $15K easy reductions 12/18/20156
Possible additional savings from 2012 first pass Move 2 Mini-meetings back to NJ accommodations (potential $13K each based on direct billing history) = $26K for 2 mtgs. (this also will reduce TAB FinCom mtg costs and staff travel) VP Discretionary increase for 2012 industry outreach = $20K Business class travel = $80K [$80-0K] VP Rep Travel = calculation > 10% rule; under budget in 2010; $10K [$60 to 50K] [Note possible impact to travel for AdHocs, DD-Elects and DDs at region meetings, other events] 12/18/20157