WP4 Status Joint R&D Programming WP4 Presented by Paolo Pierini 27/11/2013
WP Composition P. Pierini, INFN C. Omet, GSI D. Schulte, CERN T. Garvey, PSI B. Launé, CNRS/IN2P3 L. Lilje, DESY O. Napoly, CEA D. Obradors, CIEMAT D. Bocian, IFJ PAN S. Smith, STFC V. Ziemann, UPPSALA (+A.Kallberg, SU) + involvement of many colleagues in our institutions 27 Nov 2013TIARA-PP Final Meeting2
27 Nov 2013TIARA-PP Final Meeting3 WP4 Objective: R&D Programming “The main objective of the WP is to develop a common methodology and procedure for initiating, costing and implementing collaborative R&D projects in a sustainable way Using these procedures, WP4 will aim at proposing a coherent and comprehensive Joint R&D Programme in the field of accelerator science. This Programme will identify the activities in accelerator science to be carried out by a broad community within the distributed TIARA infrastructure” D4.3 TTR D4.2 PAR
27 Nov 2013TIARA-PP Final Meeting4 WP4: R&D Programme “To substantiate this purpose, this Work Package is devoted to identify the critical technical issues in the field of accelerator science and to define a joint R&D Programme to be carried out with the European distributed accelerator R&D infrastructure, proposed by TIARA” –i.e., the R&D is primarily “infrastructure-targeted”, to discuss use of existing facilities and plan the deployment of new ones D4.1 KIR
Deliverables Num Short name DescriptionMStatus D4.1KIRGeneral Report on Key Accelerator Research Areas and Key R&D Issues 5Achieved M11 D4.2PARR&D Projects Access Report. Procedure for identifying, defining and launching of collaborative R&D projects, including common methodology for costing the projects. 24Achieved M28 D4.3TTR“Toward TIARA”. Final plan of the collaborative R&D Program 33Now 27 Nov 2013TIARA-PP Final Meeting One still to go 5
Gantt 27 Nov 2013TIARA-PP Final Meeting6
Milestones Num Short name DescriptionMStatus MS13FSG Formation of Study Groups for Identification of Key Issues 1Not needed MS14FWGFormation of Working Groups5Achieved M14 MS15JTI Joint Meeting of WP3 and WP4 : Presentation of proposals for joining the TIARA distributed R&D Infrastructures 21Achieved M18 MS16RPA Report on R&D Projects Access, describing procedures for identifying, defining and launching of collaborative R&D projects 22Achieved M23 MS17JPR Intermediate Report on Joint R&D Program 24Achieved M28 MS18RDP Presentation of final, implemented plan of the collaborative R&D Program 32Achieved M34 27 Nov 2013TIARA-PP Final Meeting7
Documents on CDS D4.1, delivered at M11 (+6) –General Report on key accelerator research areas and key R&D issues –TIARA-REP-WP , 46 pp. D4.2, delivered at M28 (+4) –R&D Projects Access Report –TIARA-REP-WP , 12 pp. D4.3 (ongoing), delivering at M36 (+3) – "Toward TIARA". Final plan of the collaborative R&D Program –26 pp. So far and growing Nov 2013TIARA-PP Final Meeting8
Milestone documents on CDS MS16, delivered at M23 (+1) –Report on R&D Projects Access, describing procedures for identifying, defining and launching of collaborative R&D projects –TIARA-REP-WP , 12 pp. MS17, delivered at M28 (+4) –Intermediate Report on Joint R&D Programme –TIARA-REP-WP , 46 pp. –(update of D4.1) MS18, delivered at M34 (+2) –Presentation of final, implemented plan of the collaborative R&D Programme –TIARA-REP-WP , 3 pp. 27 Nov 2013TIARA-PP Final Meeting9
27 Nov 2013TIARA-PP Final Meeting10 WP4.1: KARA/KTI Identification of the critical Key Accelerator Research Areas and Key Technical R&D Issues –(..) key Accelerator research Areas and key R&D issues related to future or foreseeable new large accelerator based infrastructures (SLHC, ESS, IFMIF, ILC/CLIC, Neutrino and flavor factories, EURISOL, 4th generation light sources…) [R&D need from projects] –(…) dedicated studies will be carried out on emerging ideas and technologies, so to identify key issues and common component developments [ “project independent” R&D needs] From WP description
27 Nov 2013TIARA-PP Final Meeting11 Key ARA Sources and injectors RF structures RF systems SC magnets Conventional NC magnet systems Diagnostics and instrumentation Targetry Radiation issues Electronics and Software UHV RF sources Cryogenics Alignment and Stabilization Accelerator Design Beam Dynamics FEL processes Beam cooling New techniques for high gradient acceleration Medical and Industrial Accelerators Accelerator Components (8) Accelerator Concepts (6) Accelerator Technologies (5) 19 KARAs ~130 KTIs
27 Nov 2013TIARA-PP Final Meeting12 Components: KTI 1/3 Sources and injectors High Brighness Photo Injectors High intensity Heavy Ion Injectors High intensity Proton H-/d Injectors High-polarization electron/positron source Hollow beams for proton beam collimation RFQ development Beam funneling RF structures Overcoming the Limits of Bulk Nb Consolidation of the Nb Technology for Maximum Yield at Higher Gradients High Gradient Acceleration at Low RF Breakdown Rates Improvements of the “Low Beta” Cavity Technology Continuous-Wave Superconducting Radiofrequency Variable Frequency Resonators for Synchrotrons or FFAGs Couplers for SRF Cavities at High Average Power RF Structures for 6D Muon Beam Cooling Crab cavity Developments Development and engineering of C-Band and X-Band RF structures RF systems Optimization of RF Systems for high brilliance damping rings X-Band and C-Band RF systems Precision LLRF control
27 Nov 2013TIARA-PP Final Meeting13 Components: KTI 2/3 SC magnets Materials and technologies for the 20 T Range and Beyond Fast cycling sc magnets Engineering Challenges for High Field SC Magnets Cryogen-free Magnet systems Short-period undulators High Field small magnets using rare-earth ferromagnets Conventional NC magnet systems Compact magnets Radiation resistant magnet Insertion devices for damping and X-Ray production Pulsed Magnets and Kickers Transparent Injection in Top-Up Schemes Fast pulsed quadrupole magnets for beam lines Diagnostics and instrumentation Beam Intensity and Loss Detectors Beam Position Monitor Development Beam Size and Emittance Monitor Devices Development Synchronization, fs or sub-fs
27 Nov 2013TIARA-PP Final Meeting14 Components: KTI 3/3 Targetry Challenges for High Power Targets for Secondary Particle Production Radiation Damage Phenomena in Target Materials Monte Carlo Transport Codes Validation Collimation Systems Bent Crystal channelling Radiation issues Determination of Prompt Radiation Levels Component Activation Handling Compact Radiation Shielding Radiation-hard diagnostic devices
27 Nov 2013TIARA-PP Final Meeting15 Technology: KTI Electronics and Software LLRF cost, performance xTCA Standards UHV Radiation Induced Outgassing and Secondary Particle Generation Low Outgassing Rates to Limit Pumping Time Wall Chamber Conductivity and Eddy Currents Large Pumping Power RF sources Energy efficiency Solid State Technology RF Souces High Frequency Sources Cryogenics Cryoplant Efficiency Improvements Cryogenic Distribution and Cryostat Insulation Alignment and Stabilization Laser and Wire Positioning Systems Nanometer Level Stabilization
27 Nov 2013TIARA-PP Final Meeting16 Concepts: KTI 1/2 Accelerator Design Design for reliability and availability Beam Losses and Machine protection at High Beam Power Compactness And Simplicity Energy Efficiency and storage Beam Dynamics Enhanced Beam Modeling Tools and Experimental Validation Tools High Luminosity and High Energy Hadron and Lepton Colliders Beam Stability and Lifetimes in Circular Accelerators Small Emittance Beam Generation and Transport Transport of electrons in plasma accelerating structures Low Losses in High Intensity Linacs High Reliability Operation Laser-Beam Interaction for Acceleration and X-Ray Production Fast Acceleration for Unstable Particles FEL processes Develop new seeding techniques for FELs Attosecond pulse generation Circularly Polarized X-Ray FELs Beam cooling Electron and stochastic cooling for heavy ion beams Ionization cooling
27 Nov 2013TIARA-PP Final Meeting17 Concepts: KTI 2/2 New techniques for high gradient acceleration Self Injection Laser Wake-Field Acceleration External Injection in Laser Plasma Waves Below Wave Breaking External Injection in Particle Wake-Field Acceleration Development of 5th Generation Light Sources: Compact Hard X-Ray Sources Proton and light Ion Generation with Laser Driven Plasmas Medical and Industrial Accelerators Improvement in Dose Delivery for Hadrotherapy Image Guided Radiation Therapy Cost and Complexity Reduction of Medical Accelerators Boron Neutron Capture Therapy Production of PET Isotopes and Tracers Acceleration Driven Systems for Nuclear Waste Transmutation Accelerators for Fusion Industrial and Societal Applications Environmental Applications Accelerators for Detection of Illegal Nuclear Material
WP4.2 will develop a common methodology and procedure for initiating, costing and implementing collaborative R&D projects in a sustainable way. Methodology and procedure for evaluation of scientific and technical projects and for their costing will be turned to enable the emergence and the launching of collaborative R&D activities. –In addition, appropriate communication tools for effective knowledge exchange and for assistance in legal questions will be identified and implemented 27 Nov 2013TIARA-PP Final Meeting18
WorkProgramme - Setting The TIARA implementation phase would need to first adopt its work program, outlining the main topics needing R&D activities to be carried out at its federated infrastructure. –A preliminary proposal for a work programme is D4.3. A lightweight steering, managing and advisory structure would then be needed in order to keep the work program updated regularly using transparent, effective and timely procedures agreed by all TIARA partners –In contact with the external bodies identified by WP2.2.2 in TIARA-REP-WP as representatives of the wide communities of “users” 27 Nov 2013TIARA-PP Final Meeting19
WP- Implementing - Emergence Support for networking and coordination activities focused on the R&D items identified in the TIARA work program are particularly useful to foster emergence of collaborative project around new ideas –Focus on individual topics of the work program –Assist in the organization and support participation of small technical workshops where the key technical issues of the topic are reviewed, the implications of finding solutions, to use in existing or future facilities are clearly identified, the R&D Infrastructures where the technical work can be carried out are presented to the community 27 Nov 2013TIARA-PP Final Meeting20
WP- Implementing - Emergence Assist in the dynamic formation of working groups and small task forces for drafting out (in a limited time) proposals for R&D programs to be carried out at the infrastructures –TIARA will aim at providing quicker and timelier mechanisms for the emergence of proposals, which then can lead to collaborative R&D projects applying to TIARA funding –To achieve this quick reaction a minimal set of resources should be available at any time during the TIARA implementation phase and a flexible application system should be in place 27 Nov 2013TIARA-PP Final Meeting21
WP–Implementing – Access to RI TIARA should aim to facilitate (in a quicker and timelier fashion with respect to EC programs) access to the R&D Infrastructures for –testing and validation of small-scale experiments to explore early concepts, which could later evolve in a full scale R&D program that will exploit the R&D Infrastructure –TIARA could act as a single-point-of-entry for this type of requests, providing assistance in finding alternatives and support for the activities 27 Nov 2013TIARA-PP Final Meeting22
Evaluation Proposal in the TIARA Work Program scope. An assessment of the impact of the outcome of the R&D project in the accelerator community (especially concerning proposed or existing projects) is important, also in terms of cost/benefit perspectives. The assessment of the R&D proposals should consider: –the enabling of new competences in the laboratories thanks to the collaborative R&D programs, –the possibility of spin-offs, –the interdisciplinarity of the scope of work including different fields of research. 27 Nov 2013TIARA-PP Final Meeting23
Evaluation The evaluation process should be transparent, effective and timely. Should include: –the technical content and feasibility, –the quality of the proposed organization, i.e. realistic time schedules, work program, collaborative effort and sharing of human and technical resources. TIARA should aim at assessing and reviewing the proposed composition of partners, to: –avoid duplication of efforts, –achieve effectiveness and ability to reach the goals, –enhance collaboration between institutions, –guarantee technical coverage, –guarantee excellence of the team 27 Nov 2013TIARA-PP Final Meeting24
Evaluation For a given R&D project, it is important that there is one institution leading the R&D, acting as a PI. This institute has to play a major role in the R&D program. –Avoid cases where many players have moderate interest in a R&D topic but there is no driving force 27 Nov 2013TIARA-PP Final Meeting25
TIARA role It is important that in its implementation plan TIARA should not add extra unnecessary layers of administration, evaluation or reporting with respect to the present situation Instead, TIARA should take steps towards the simplification of the layered structure typically found in collaboration projects, due to the many stakeholders involved (e.g. institutions, countries according to international agreements, EC, international panels for collaborative projects) 27 Nov 2013TIARA-PP Final Meeting26
Conclusions On the way to finish last D4.3 deliverable (presented yesterday) All other MS reports and deliverables are on CDS Initial lag for the first deliverable (6 months), then gradually reduced –Long setup phase, underestimated Took some time to achieve consensus on a common vision among institutions with different specific interests –Reshuffling of institutional contacts –If costing is to be included in the TIARA implementation phase consider the necessary additional workload and expertise needed 27 Nov 2013TIARA-PP Final Meeting27