Homework C-5 due Monday
Aim: How did the philosophy of Daoism offer an alternative to Confucianism? November 7, 2014
I. Lao Tzu: Founder of Daoism Little is known about him May have been a clerk in the imperial archives Like Confucius, he lived during the “Era of Warring States” and wanted to bring peace and harmony to China. Wrote his philosophy in the Dao De Ching (“The Way of Virtue”) Disappeared westward
II. Principals of Daoism 1.A universal force known as the Dao, or “the Way” guides all things. 2.To follow the Dao, human beings should live simply, spontaneously, and in harmony with nature. ↓ Make no effort to improve the world around you, simply accept what life hands you.
II. Principals of Daoism 3. The natural order (nature) is more important than the social order (government, family). 4. The perfection of the natural order is represented by the balance between yin (Earth, darkness, female forces) and yang (Heaven, light and male forces) in the universe.
Daoists are very similar to the hippies of the 1960s. Discussion Questions: – Should people be completely free to do their “own thing.” Why or why not? – Do you view the Daoist / hippie philosophy as dangerous to American society? Or would our society be better off if everyone followed this philosophy? Explain.