Pope Benedict XVI
His Early Years Pope Benedict the 16 th was born and baptized on April 16, His given name was Joseph Ratzinger. Marktl am Inn, Germany was the place where he was born. His parents were strong, devote Catholics. Mr. Ratzinger was a policeman and was from a family of farmers.
Pope Benedict’s Education JJJJoseph went to the Higher School of Philosophy and Theology of Freising and at the University of Munich. IIIIn 1953 he received his doctorate in theology.
Ordination He received his priestly ordination on June 29, On March 25, 1977 he was named Archbishop of Munich and Freising. Later that year he was named Cardinal.
His Work Ratzinger contributed to Vatican II as an expert theologian. He has published many pieces of literature dealing with theology. His most notable work was published in 1985 called “The Ratzinger Report.”
Joseph Ratzinger: Pope Benedict XVI oly_father/benedict_xvi /audiences/2005/docu ments/hf_ben- xvi_aud_ _en.html oly_father/benedict_xvi /audiences/2005/docu ments/hf_ben- xvi_aud_ _en.html oly_father/benedict_xvi /audiences/2005/docu ments/hf_ben- xvi_aud_ _en.html
World Day of Peace Message ““““The very name Benedict, which I chose on the day of my election to the Chair of Peter, is a sign of my personal commitment to peace. In taking this name, I wanted to evoke both the Patron Saint of Europe, who inspired a civilization of peace on the whole continent, and Pope Benedict XV, who condemned the First World War as a ''useless slaughter'' (((( 1111 )))) and worked for a universal acknowledgment of the lofty demands of peace.”
Pope Benedict’s Message His goal is “hope for a more serene world, a world in which more and more individuals and communities are committed to the paths of justice and peace.”