Shinto and Confucianism
Shinto The early religion of Japan. Means: Way of the Gods Kami: Shinto’s divine spirits that live in nature. Kami means: Superior These spirits are believed to live in beautiful places, animals, and especially as a person’s ancestors. Many Japanese believe some of the mountains and rivers in Japan are the home of these Kami, and these places are sacred. Shintoism also stresses the virtue of cleanliness.
Prayer Those who practice Shintoism offer prayers and perform rituals to honor and please the kami, or spirits they feel are special. The religion does not stress life after death. Most Japanese households have a small altar where the family will offer prayers for the spirits they hope will bless and protect them. Shintoism followers can be found around the world but is few in number compared to other religions.
Where do Shinto followers worship? Shinto places of worship are called shrines and are usually found in beautiful natural settings. The shrine contains an Inner Hall which is only entered by Shinto priests since it is believed kami are present. Shinto priests can be either male or female. Purity is important to Shinto followers and therefore they rinse their mouths and wash their hands and hang up wooden tablets with prayers on them before entering the prayer hall. Once inside, the kami is summoned with a bell and offered rice or money. After which the worshiper bows twice and claps twice to welcome the kami then bows again.
Shinto Shrines Shinto shrines are marked by a special archway called a torii. This archway is believed to separate the sacred world of the shrine from the world outside. There are about 80,000 shrines all over Japan. Each shrine has a yearly festival in which people pay their respects to the kami and celebrate with food and drink.
The Worship of Nature The Japanese create small, beautiful gardens, areas of quiet and reflection in their crowed world. Shrines
445. In which country was Shintoism founded? 446. What are the kami that are so important in Shinto belief? 447. How do believers of Shinto practice their religion?
Confucianism Confucius was one of the most important scholars in Chinese history. He was born around 550 BC at a time when the government was having trouble keeping order and warlords controlled much of the countryside. He believed that the key to peace and social order was for people to behave with good character and virtue. Virtue is behaving fairly and with justice towards others.
Golden Rule of Behavior What you do not like when done unto yourself , do not unto others. He believed a good ruler was one who treated his people fairly and was kind to them. Confucius was not a religious prophet or even a religious leader. He saw himself as a teacher and Confucianism is thought of as a philosophy or ethnical system based on good deeds and morality rather than a religion.
Confucius: Five Basic Relationships 1. ruler and subject 2. father and son 3. husband and wife 4. older brother and younger brother 5. friend and friend He believed if each relationship were based on kindness, there would be peace and harmony in the country.
Confucius Influence Confucius was the most influential and respected philosopher in Chinese history. His ideas were the single strongest influence on Chinese society from around 100 BC till the early 20th century. The Chinese governments throughout this period had made his ideas their official state philosophy. Confucian theories and philosophies were even exported to neighboring countries and honored as wise and noble ideals.
Confucius and Chinese Society When the teachings of Confucius were spread across China, the people accepted his teachings for their sound principles. The emperor himself was so taken in by these teachings that they were made the official state philosophy. Confucianism then affected everything in China; education, government, public and private attitudes and, etiquette. Confucianism is not a religion, but a philosophy and a guide to morality and good government.
Review Questions 448. In which country was Confucianism founded? 449. What did Confucius believe were the keys to social order and peace? 450. What is Confucius” Golden Rule?
451. How did Confucianism come to play an important role in Chinese society? 452. Why is Confucianism considered a philosophy and not a religion?
Test: Monday Religions: Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, and Shinto Philosophy: Confucianism 1. Questions 430-452 2. Brain Pop Religion Questions (1-10) 3. Explain the caste system of Hinduism 4. Why did Buddha leave his family? 5. What was Buddha’s belief about greed? 6. Why is Confucianism not a religion? 7. What two religions believe in reincarnation? 8. Explain the Hinduism and Buddhism belief of karma?
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