Why were Pueblos restricted to smaller villages?
In what type of homes would Pueblos reside?
What was the main food of the Plains Indians?
Why did the Mound Builders build mounds?
What Eastern Woodland Indians lived in longhouses and was a powerful Indian alliance in NY?
What group of Native Americans were a sophisticated society that adopted to European customs?
What Indian civilization was gone when the Spaniards arrived in Central America?
List one advancement of the Mayas.
What was Tenochtitlan?
Aztecs built large temples to honor the gods and performed what type of sacrifice?
Where was the Inca Empire located?
How did the Inca people view their rulers?
Who excited other Europeans to travel and explore with his stories?
Who did the Europeans want to bypass to gain more wealth in trade?
What would rulers or nations do when they found new lands?
Who did the Europeans hope to find in Africa to wage war against the Muslims?
What new ship allowed the “age of exploration” to occur?
What was the most important instrument of an explorer?
What did the Europeans put on their ships to help them conquer other regions of the world?
What two nations led the push for the “age of exploration”?
Why did Portugal and Spain lead in the “age of exploration”?
Who began a navigation school in Portugal?
Who was the first man to round the tip of Africa?
Who was the first Portuguese to reach India by sea?
In what year did Christopher Columbus reach the “New World”?
Why did Columbus call the locals he met “Indians”?
Who was the first man to travel around the world?
Who did Spain send to conquer the “new world” and to gain wealth and colonies?
What Native American civilization did Hernando Cortes conquer?
What was the most powerful weapon for the conquistadors?
Who conquered the Inca empire?
What new city did Pizzaro create once he destroyed Cuzco?
At what battle were the Ottomans defeated by Europe?
What Asian nation kicked out all foreigners?
What phrase motivated explorers during the “age of exploration”?
What was the most important plant brought to the “new world”?
What was the most important animal brought to the “new world”?
What did Amerigo Vespucci call the new land Columbus discovered?