Jetspeed David Giaretta
Jetspeed Open Source Apache projectOpen Source Apache project Written in JavaWritten in Java Supports Portal API (JSP 168)Supports Portal API (JSP 168) Provides built-in services for:Provides built-in services for: –User interface customisation –Caching –Persistence –User authentication Makes connections to obtain dataMakes connections to obtain data
Jetspeed Architecture
Jetspeed Built on top of Turbine (also Jakarta project)Built on top of Turbine (also Jakarta project) Turbine provides:Turbine provides: –User authentication –Page layout
Jetspeed features Built-in support forBuilt-in support for –RDF Site Summary (RSS) –Open Content Syndication (OCS) Supports Wireless Markup languageSupports Wireless Markup language User, group, role and permission administration via secure portletsUser, group, role and permission administration via secure portlets Role-based security access to portletsRole-based security access to portlets
PortletControl: The function of the PortletControl within the Portlet page handles rendering the title and body of the Portlet PortletController: The function of the PortletController is to handle multiple PortletControls (each controlling a Portlet) to provide an entire Page of information from all the Portlets.
Markup/Configuration Portal Structure Markup LanguagePortal Structure Markup Language –holds info on what portlets are available and registered with Jetspeed RegistryRegistry –Describes all available portlets SiteSite –Describes what portlets can be displayed to a given user and –Describes how information is displayed for that user
Standard Portlets HTMLHTML –Displays HTML content JSPJSP –JSP contains embedded Java RSSRSS Web PageWeb Page –Displays content of a Web site XSLXSL –Displays XML content by transforming it into HTML using XSLT VelocityVelocity
Web Services tools org.apache.jetspeed.webservices.util.SoapAccessBe anorg.apache.jetspeed.webservices.util.SoapAccessBe an –SoapAccessBean provides a Soap WebServices Client command bean pattern. This bean can be used to interact with webservices via soap. The WSDL file for the target web service is required since it contains the parameters required to interact with the service. org.apache.jetspeed.webservices.util.UDDIAccessBe anorg.apache.jetspeed.webservices.util.UDDIAccessBe an –UDDIAccessBean provides a command bean interface to UDDI registry services. Please note that currently only inquiry tasks are supported.