The smallest dinosaur ever was the microprator
Here are some of the dinosaur fossils of people around the world that have found them!
ARCTOSAURUS (pronounced ARK-toh-SAWR-us) Arctosaurus meaning "arctic lizard" was a meat-eating dinosaur that lived during the late Triassic period. This theropod was about 10 feet (3 m) long. Fossils of Arctosaurus were found in Canada. Arctosaurus was described in 1875 by Adams. The type species is A. osborni, but Arctosaurus is nomen dubium (only neck vertebrae have been found and it may or may not even be a theropod) meaningTriassic period Canada nomen dubium theropod
The word dinosaur comes from the Greek language and means terrible lizard.The word was coined by English palentologist named Richard Owen in 1842 and was meant to refer Dinosaurs impressive size rather than there scary appearance.