Session 5 Application of results in policy and practice.


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Presentation transcript:

Session 5 Application of results in policy and practice

Feedback from the pre-workshop questionnaire  For majority of countries it is too early to respond to this question  Further remarks with regard to implications of M&E:  knowledge transfer to sectors  stakeholder mobilization  mainstreaming of adaptation considerations into regulations This involves an iterative cycle that includes capacity building, raising awareness and a continuous improvement of governance.

Group 1: Policy/Practice influenceGroup 2: Communication of results / Follow-up with stakeholders What are the main influences on adaptation policy and practice you see or foresee through M&E? How would those inform the further improvement or development of your system? How do you (plan to) communicate the results of M&E? How much transparency do you foresee (especially with regard to policy revision)? Which barriers did you /are you expecting to face with regard of learning from M&E, policy improvements and fostering effective action? Do you (plan to) discuss the analysis of results (and subsequent implications) with relevant stakeholders? For those with systems in place: If so, how is this being organised and which experiences can you share? If results are shared or made publicly available, which format are you using /are you planning to use? Do you have any concrete examples to share from your experiences? Would you have any lessons learned or further reflections to do better?