Background Malawi became independent in 1964 Landlocked country & 118, 480 sq km (20% is water) Population: 13, 077, 160 (2008 census) Males : 6, 358, 933 Females: 6, 718, 227 Population growth: 2.8% per annum Literacy rate: 62.7%
Education System Malawi has system 8 years of primary education 4 years of secondary education 4 years (on average) of tertiary education National examinations are administered to determine entry to secondary and tertiary levels
Educational priority Areas The following are priority areas at all levels: Access and equity: Quality and relevance Governance and management
Access and Equity Increase net enrolment and completion rates Improve enrolment, particularly female enrolment Improve, expand and maximise use of educational infrastructure, for example construction of classrooms, teachers’ houses in difficult areas, etc
Quality and Relevance Improve teaching inputs to facilitate more effective learning and to increase learning achievement Reinforce supervision and inspection systems Introduce appropriate incentives to teachers and supervise their performance
Governance and Management Mobilising communities to participate in whole- school development and management Monitor performance and strengthen internal efficiency at all levels Ensure appropriate decentralisation of delivery of education services which incorporates processes of planning, budgeting and financing, M&E.
Current policy on OER The Ministry does not have a clear strategy or policy on OER. But its high time that the Ministry should have one in place considering that there are limited places in secondary schools and institution of higher learning. For example 2012 PSLCE: Number sat217, 513 Number passed149, 724 (58.85%) Number selected 58, 178 (38.85%) Number not selected 91, 456 (61.25%)
Reason(s) for interest in OER To help those who fail to secure a place in secondary schools and institution of higher learning Thus, providing an opportunity for learners to access quality and affordable already produced learning materials Supervisors/teachers with limited ability will not have to worry about producing learning materials
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