Final Year Projects Dr. Jeyakesavan Veerasamy Director of CS Senior Design Program University of Texas at Dallas, USA
Agenda Final year UT Dallas What can you do in your college? Preparing students for final year projects
CS final year UT Dallas Almost all projects are industry sponsored. We had ~18 industry projects in Spring 2012 term. Typically 4 students/team. Industry pays $8000/project, so they expect results! Industry mentor is actively involved conducts weekly or biweekly meetings Faculty mentor has limited project manager role. Companies of all sizes: 1 person business to MNCs. Lot of repeat customers & students get jobs too. Final grade is decided by faculty mentor based on the project’s success and each student’s effort.
Industry projects: Process 2 or 3 months before each term: Soliciting projects from industry First 2 weeks of the term: Presentation of projects to students Students form the teams & indicate “favourite” projects. Project assignments teams Kickoff meeting with industry NDA and IP agreements Remaining term: Students write “Project Proposal / Contract” – typically use 3 milestones (~1 month each) Weekly meetings or conference calls End of term: Senior Design Day Celebration: – Presentations & Poster session – All local industry folks are invited (50 to 100 attendees) – Awards to best projects
What can you do in your college? Achieve 100% industry projects Direct solicitation of projects from industry Service projects for college and local community Tackling “Trust factor”: Use your alumni to get started Track progress & ensure “reasonable” success? Encourage a mix of superstars & average students in each team Project success & students’ work course grade Charge companies for projects? Use latest technologies if students want to do their own projects: – Smart phone applications & games – Use the cloud as the backend
Making students ready for final year projects Create passion for programming right from the start. Use the latest free tools in labs & make it exciting to learn: – TurboC++, NotePad Alice, NetBeans/Visual Studio/… Showcase a few successful projects for incoming students Highlight team-effort – every one need not know all the latest technologies. Suggest a few extra projects in each course and encourage more students to do them. PSG Tech has a lot of enthusiastic students – how to spread that excitement further? Encourage more students to work with industry (internships?) in college breaks. May need additional passionate staff /resources
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