International Congress and Convention Association Working with healthcare association clients Dr Tanju Besler 12 th European ICCRM June 2006
Why and Which PCO Tanju BESLER, MD,phD Executive Committee Member, the Turkish society for Enteral Parenteral Clinical Nutrition (KEPAN)
The role of PCO To ease our lifeTo ease our life To handle the organizational problems in our nameTo handle the organizational problems in our name Find sponsorsFind sponsors Known and acceptable reputation with the participantKnown and acceptable reputation with the participant Creativity in social activitiesCreativity in social activities Being Cost sensitiveBeing Cost sensitive
Being a PCO ReliabilityReliability Capability – as of backgroundCapability – as of background Level of experienceLevel of experience Power of lobbying – RelationsPower of lobbying – Relations Being reachableBeing reachable Being promptBeing prompt
Decision Basis Service level – technical, past experienceService level – technical, past experience Pricing – Social Events, Service costs, Accomodation costsPricing – Social Events, Service costs, Accomodation costs Contribution level to AssociationContribution level to Association Relations with SponsorRelations with Sponsor Approaches – Problem solver/CreatorApproaches – Problem solver/Creator
Decision Basis In house servicesIn house services Relations with suppliersRelations with suppliers Relations with hotel management and staffRelations with hotel management and staff Financial power to support the pre congress expensesFinancial power to support the pre congress expenses Association management skillsAssociation management skills
Decision Basis Presentation skills/MarketingPresentation skills/Marketing BudgetingBudgeting Follow up reportsFollow up reports Post congress submission of expensesPost congress submission of expenses TransparencyTransparency CommunicationCommunication Promise holdingPromise holding
Decision Basis Handling the speakersHandling the speakers as of pre congress communicationas of pre congress communication during the congressduring the congress answering the needs-rehearsalanswering the needs-rehearsal Handling the participantsHandling the participants web site servicesweb site services smiling/problem solver personalsmiling/problem solver personal
Decision Basis Contract detailsContract details Costs analysisCosts analysis Detailed budgetDetailed budget Service details and related guarantiesService details and related guaranties Hotel and rooming detailsHotel and rooming details Reporting details – dates and contentsReporting details – dates and contents Pre congress expenses – meeting & marketingPre congress expenses – meeting & marketing PenaltiesPenalties
International Congress and Convention Association Thank you! Working with healthcare association clients Dr Tanju BESLER 12 th European ICCRM June 2006