Although your wants/desires are virtually unlimited, the productive resources available to help satisfy those wants are scarce Scarcity – condition facing all societies b/c there are not enough productive resources to satisfy people’s unlimited wants
Productive resources – inputs used to produce goods/services that people want Also known as factors of production Productive resources are scarce when they are not freely available You must choose among your many wants Can’t satisfy all wants
Economics – examines how people use their scarce resources to satisfy their unlimited wants Taxi cab driver The cab Knowledge of the city Driving skills Gasoline Time
Human – human efforts used to produce goods/services Also known as labor
Natural – “gifts of nature” Renewable – resource that can be drawn on indefinitely if used wisely Exhaustible – resource available in a limited amount
Capital – all human creations used to produce goods/services Factories Trucks Machines Buildings Money Entrepreneur – person who develops a new product/process and assumes the risk of profit/loss
GOODSERVICE Something that is tangible; you can see, feel, and touch Requires scarce resources to produce Satisfies human wants Something that is intangible; Requires scarce resources to produce Satisfies human wants
MICROECONOMICSMACROECONOMICS Market economics Focuses on the economic behaviors of everyone making choices Individual pieces of the economic puzzle National economics Focuses on the performance of the economy as a whole Fits all of the puzzle pieces together to look at the big picture
POSITIVE STATEMENTNORMATIVE STATEMENT Statement about the economic reality that can be supported/rejected with facts Concerned with “what is” Statement about the economic reality that reflects one’s opinion Concerned with “what should be”
Opportunity cost – the value of the best alternative you must pass up Also can be looked as the opportunity lost
What goods/services will be produced? How will they be produced? For whom will they be produced?