NATIONAL ACADEMY SECONDARY SCHOOL SCHOOL LIFE COUNCIL (CVL) ACADEMIC COUNCIL OF SECONDARY SCHOOL LIFE (CAVL) 21 pupils elected among representatives of pupils in CVL 19 adults of administration education To preside over the Rector NATIONAL COUNCIL OF SECONDARY SCHOOL LIFE (CNVL) 1 representative by CAVL 3 representatives of CSE to preside over the Minister of Education The vice president is a pupil SUPERIOR COUNCIL OF EDUCATION (CSE) 3 pupils elected among CAVL’s representatives of each academy
SCHOOL LIFE COUNCIL (CVL) VICE- PRESIDENT elected 10 representatives pupils elected for 2 years by all the school’s pupils The representatives have got the deliberative voice 10 adults representants of school don’t vote To preside by the school’s director ADMINISTRATION COUNCIL (decisional council) 4 pupils elected among the set of representative class more the vice-president of CVL ASSEMBLY OF REPRESENTATIVES CLASS REPRESENTATIVES OF THE CLASS (2 by class) elected by the pupils of their class PERMANENT COMMISSION DISCIPLINE COUNCIL PUPILS VOTE
SCHOOL LIFE COUNCIL Consulted on - The general principes of studies organisation, school schedule - Elaboration of school plan - Elaboration of school’s rules - Modalities of organisation of personal work and support to pupils with dificulties - Careers advisory service information - Safe, security and hygiene - Spaces’s agencement dedicated to school life - Sport and cultural activities
The pupils of Council make propositions, plans on : # Representatives formation # Conditions of use of money allocated to school life # School life’s improvement
Some exemples of pupil’s actions # Space’s agencement # Space’s agencement - To create an house of pupils - To create club - Furnitures instalation # Pupils’s help -support organisation # Communication - billposting, Radio
Some exemples of pupil’s actions # The common life - Actions against racism and violence - Mediation - Listen point # Safe - Drugs addict and alcohol prevention