1 24 January 2007 SIS Report to CESG/CMC 24 January 2007 R. Durst, D. Stanton
3 24 January Space Packet Protocol WG – Presented as part of SLS-SLP report 2.CFDP Interoperability Testing WG 3.Cislunar Space Internetworking WG 4.Asynchronous Messaging Service WG 5.IP-over-CCSDS WG 6.Mars Communications Profile BOF A.LIST OF CURRENT WGs AND BOFs WITHIN AREA SIS AREA REPORT
4 24 January 2007 B. SIS Document Summary Status WG Document NumberStatus Space Packet Protocol Reported within SLS Space Packet Protocol130.3-G-0.4Agency Review concluded; In WG Review CFDP Interop Test CCSDS File Delivery Protocol (CFDP)- Notebook of Common Inter-Agency Tests for Core Procedures (new document) CCSDS File Delivery Protocol (CFDP)- Notebook of Common Inter-Agency Tests for Extended Procedures (new document) CCSDS File Delivery Protocol (CFDP)- Notebook of Common Inter-Agency Tests for Store and Forward Overlay (SFO) (new document) CCSDS File Delivery Protocol (CFDP)- Part 1: Introduction and Overview (update to issue 2) CCSDS File Delivery Protocol (CFDP)- Part 2: Implementers Guide (update to issue 2) CCSDS File Delivery Protocol (CFDP)- Part 3: Interoperability Testing Final Report Y Y Y G G G-0.9 Pre-CESG Review/ Prep for CESG/CMC Appr. In CESG Review, Ends 12 Feb 07 (Unacked CFDP Extensions – Unchartered Carper legacy) Pre-CESG Review/ Prep for CESG/CMC Appr.
5 24 January 2007 SIS Document Summary Status (Continued) WG DocumentNumberStatus Cislunar Space Internet Space Communications Protocol Specification (SCPS)—Network Protocol (SCPS-NP) Cislunar Space Internetworking— Architecture CSI Profile 1 (Magenta Book) P G-0 In WG Review – WG Concludes no update required In CESG Review, Ends 12 Feb 2007 In development within WG Asynchronous Message Service CCSDS Asynchronous Message Service AMS Green Book R-0.1In Agency Review, Ends 31 Jan 2007 Not yet started, requires charter update IP Over CCSDS IP over CCSDS Space Links702.1-R-1 (M)Agency Review ended 22 Dec 2006, WG RID resolution completed
6 24 January 2007 C.SUMMARY TECHNICAL STATUS 1.SPACE PACKET PROTOCOL WG This work reported in the SLS-SLP WG of the SLS area SIS AREA REPORT
7 24 January CFDP INTEROPERABILITY TESTING WG Goal: Complete CFDP SFO and Extended Procedures interoperability testing Working Group Summary Situation: Working Group Summary progress: 12 RIDs received during Agency Review (10 INPE, 2 JAXA). 1 Approved, 1 Approved with Modification, 3 Rejected, 7 Out of Scope 7 Out of Scope RIDs were on the base CFDP blue book, not the Pink Sheets Agency RID Review Dispositioning complete, No need for second round of Agency Review Document approved for publication as 727-B-04 per Secretariat The need for a corrigendum to 727-B-04 has been identified to clarify an issue raised in the Pink Sheet review status:OKCAUTIONPROBLEM comment: Agency Review RIDs dispositioned. SIS AREA REPORT
8 24 January 2007 SIS AREA REPORT 2.CFDP INTEROPERABILITY TESTING WG Document Summary: CFDP Green Books (720.1-G-3, G-3) updates in CESG review Forthcoming Books (in Secretariat’s editing queue) Three interoperability testing notebooks (common interoperability tests for core, extended, SFO – Y-1, 720,5-Y-1, Y-1) Interoperability Testing Final Report (720.3-G-1) Working group will be dissolved when Green books are updated and approved for publication CFDP Segment Metadata BOF Meeting of working group endorsed formation of CFDP Segment Metadata BOF Optional capability to attach metadata to each CFDP file segment Purpose is to clarify and enhance processing of record-structured files
9 24 January CISLUNAR SPACE INTERNETWORKING WG (CSIWG) Goal: Design a communications architecture for cislunar and possible Mars in-situ environments; update existing CCSDS standards to reflect recent advances in telecommunications. Working Group Status: Active _X_ Idle ____ Working Group Summary Situation: Working Group Summary progress: Green Book in CESG Review, closes 12 February WG agreed that long-outstanding RID concerning SCPS-NP’s inability to carry IPSec AH information did not warrant document change. WG concludes that IPSec AH is largely deprecated in favor of IPSec ESP with a null encryption algorithm, which SCPS-NP can carry. The WG is currently developing first draft Magenta Book, Part 1. Problems and Issues: The working group is running 6-9 months behind its charter due to WG personnel responsibilities to Constellation project. WG has split its current Magenta book into multiple parts. Depending on the rate of progress before the next CCSDS meeting, this may need to be addressed by a charter modification. Need close coordination between CSI WG and the proposed Mars WG to ensure appropriate evolution toward Mars In-Situ protocol selection and routing approaches. status:OKCAUTIONPROBLEM comment: Schedule SIS AREA REPORT
10 24 January ASYNCHROUS MESSAGING SERVICE WG Goal: Resolve relationship between AMS and MOIMS SM&C, SOIS App. Supt. Svces Working Group Status: Active Working Group Summary Situation: Working Group Summary progress: RIDs from CESG review resolved – Service classes seen as the appropriate way of dealing with issues raised 2 nd Implementation: NASA/GSFC will develop prototype in FY07. Options: Java implementation of entire AMS protocol suite C implementation, possibly phased through multiple service classes CNES may develop prototype in Java for high-altitude balloon operations. NASA/MSFC may develop prototype in C# for Windows. Problems and Issues: None status:OKCAUTIONPROBLEM comment: SIS AREA REPORT
11 24 January ASYNCHROUS MESSAGING SERVICE WG (Continued) Future Plan: Complete agency review of initial AMS Red Book, resolve RIDs (nominally complete by end of July 2007) GSFC Java implementation progresses during RID resolution, both JPL and GSFC implementations modified as necessary to reflect RID resolution Interoperability testing begins September 2007, interim report in Darmstadt, completion by end of 2007 Jan-Feb 2008: Draft Interoperability Testing report and revise Red Book if necessary to reflect issues identified by interoperability testing Estimate CESG/Agency Review in February-April 2008 Green Book preparation in February-April (during Red book review) RID Resolution, Final Blue Book Text Preparation May-June, 2008 Submit to CMC for Blue Book publication, July 2008, Green Book review Green Book publication end of September 2008 Dissolution after Fall 2008 meetings Charter update in progress to reflect revised schedule/resources SIS AREA REPORT
12 24 January IP over CCSDS Links WG Goals : Progress white book to Red book status. WG Status: Active X Idle ____ status:OKCAUTIONPROBLEM comment:Agency Review RID Resolution SIS AREA REPORT Working Group Summary progress: Agency Review RID resolution against Red-1 Draft Magenta book RIDs editorial in nature, all accepted WG discussion provided slight organizational changes to help facilitate the user’s understanding of the summary information presented in the book These changes will be made by the author before submission to the CCSDS secretariat Problems and Issues: As discussed in joint CESG/CMC meeting: inadequate agency review performed. Action to secretariat to extend agency review until 1 March 2007.
13 24 January Mars Interoperability Birds of a Feather Goals : Form a Mars Interoperability Working Group. WG Status: Active X Idle ____ status:OKCAUTIONPROBLEM comment:Draft Charter Complete SIS AREA REPORT BOF Summary progress: Draft Charter complete and submitted for approval Expected products: PICS proforma for Prox-1, Magenta Book specifying near-term Mars Profile, Green Book describing evolution of Mars networking capabilities Problems and Issues: Coordination needed with SLS, Cislunar WG
14 24 January 2007 D. Cross Area Issues AMS/SOIS, AMS/SM&C – Cross-area meetings held to discuss issues, initial Service Class definitions created Mars WG is defining PICS Pro Forma and selecting options in Proximity 1 Protocol, needs to coordinate with SLS Cislunar/High-Rate Uplink coordination required on an ongoing basis. Have requested more specific HRU requirements from Cislunar chair. Intra-Area Issue: SIS Plenary was on Saturday, only NASA participation, not all WG Chairs present
15 24 January 2007 Attendance WG Registrants: Shows Day 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5Agencies CFDP Interop. Testing 6:22ESA, NASA Cislunar 25:163159CSA, ESA, NASA AMS 19:8385BNSC, CSA, ESA NASA, NRL*, UC- Boulder* IP Over CCSDS 21:44NASA Mars NA:1313BNSC, ESA, NASA Plenary 9:55NASA *Not CCSDS-affiliated