ITEC 352 Computer Organization Dr. Ray Lecture 1
Introduction Outline Introduction The course Electricity Next steps
Introduction On a scale of 1-10 how interested are you in learning how the hardware inside of a computer works? Describe the process for how software written in a language like Java causes computer hardware to work What do you want to learn in this class? Share answers with neighbor, then the class
Introduction Brainstorm List different components inside of computers What connects to what
Introduction Syllabus MWF Lectures Office Hours 10:00 AM M-F Website D2L for submission Projects Homework Exams
Introduction Electricity What all can we do with electricity? –Video Why was electricity chosen as the foundation for computers?
Introduction Evolution 0 and 1
Introduction Steps Mathematics (pure theory) Mechanics (Blaise Pascal / Babbage) War –What is it good for? Electrical inventions –Transistors –Integrated circuits Von Neumann model
Introduction Next time Low level components
Introduction Summary Short day Electricity Evolution