Amitié is a private research centre active in the field of education and training, cultural and social policies. It is developing and managing projects at regional, national, and European level, focusing on new methodologies of learning, training needs analysis, pilot training activities, identification of good practices and benchmarking, including dissemination and quality assessment activities. Amitié, Bologna, Italy Storytelling – Projects in Italy
Seniors tell about HiStory… We interviewed several seniors… and asked them to tell us about their memories linked to school education… We filmed the interviews with them… History Project
Video “School Memories from Casalecchio (Bologna) – Italy” History Project
Fotomemoria Project Fotomemoria is a European partnership of groups working together to help people record their family photographs and stories, and share these memories online.
MobiBlog Project Mobi-Blog is developing a weblog service for European mobile students. It enables students to tell their story and read about others‘ experiences during their exchange programme. The collection of stories of students’ experiences tell about the great time they had, and what they got up to, as well as helping in the case of any difficulties.
STELLA Project STELLA is an interactive and multilingual web portal for all people involved in science education who want to communicate experiences, cooperate, exchange ideas and thoughts on teaching methods and approaches… A virtual place, open to everyone, for sharing ideas and thoughts on science teaching in your country…
Thank you… If you want to join our projects, please visit the web sites and contribute… Thank you for your attention!