InFaith Investment Conference Call November 2, 2015
CONFERENCE CALL SPEAKERS Welcome Suzanne Hazard, Board Chair InFaith Updates Chris Andersen, President & Executive Director Serving Donors Mandy Tuong, Senior Director Donor Services, General Counsel Investment Update Letitia Johnson, Cambridge Associates, Investment Advisor
INFAITH MISSION To serve our donors with integrity as together we change lives and spread joy by sharing our blessings with the world.
20 YEARS OF GIVING $1 billion in gifts $137.5 million grants since inception 97% donor satisfaction Top ratings from Charity Navigator & GuideStar
SERVING DONORS – MORE ACCESSIBLE GIVING Online access through DonorView No minimum Dynamic Donor Advised Funds Enhanced flexibility to name charities for fund remainder More ahead for Organizational Endowments
INFAITH INVESTMENT PHILOSOPHY Long Term Equity Oriented Diversified Actively Managed Rebalanced
INFAITH GROWTH PORTFOLIO U.S. Equities 25% Global Equities 24% Marketable Alternatives 17% Fixed Income 15% Real Assets 11% Emerging Markets 8%
ANNUAL RETURNS – Growth Portfolio Mission Portfolio Income Portfolio Quarterly return-8.7%-8.6%0.8% 1-year return-7.2%-5.9%n/a 3-year annualized return3.2%2.7%n/a 5-year annualized return4.1%n/a 10-year annualized return4.1%n/a
PREPARING FOR & TAKING ADVANTAGE OF MARKET STRESS Foundation ‘check’ Rebalance Play offense Manager ‘check’ Stay invested
CONTACT US | Charitable giving can result in significant tax, legal and financial consequences. As InFaith cannot give tax or legal advice, you are strongly encouraged to consult with your personal tax and legal advisors.