Query Health Technical WG 1/12/2011
Agenda TopicTime Slot Administrative stuff and reminders2:00 – 2:05 pm Specifications Query Envelope Discussion 2:05 – 2:30 pm Specification Update HQMF QRDA 2:30 – 2:40 pm RI Updates2:40 – 2:50 pm
Administrative Reminders None
Query Envelope Specification Update Query Envelope Specification PopMedNet reviewed the Plug-in design with hQuery and i2B2 Starting point for the Query Envelope specification Query Envelope Specification
QRDA++ Specification Update Srinivas Velamuri has volunteered to help us with the QRDA Specification Putting together current state of QRDA to review with the team Examine the existing standard Represent sample query results in QRDA standard Start Identifying changes or modifications required for the existing standard to represent results for Query Health
HQMF++ Specification Update HL7 Project Scope statement drafted and presented to HL7 SDWG this week in San Antonio Proposed HQMF Changes well received by SDWG Working on good mechanism to keep S&I and HL7 SDG aligned for Query Health purposes
RI Update PopMedNet Plugin design review first round completed with hQuery/PopMedNet and i2B2 Working out the low level details of exact API’s. PMN Source Code Downloads Working on Implementation of the Plugin Design Plan to complete in about 2 weeks Setup a Staging site with the PMN Portal for integration and testing of i2B2 and hQuery Expected Release of 3.0 in March 1 st week
RI Update Cont’d hQuery Working on changes to hQuery to integrate with PopMedNet Expect to have design done in a week or two i2B2 Working on Design for integration of PopMedNet with i2B2 Design expected to complete around February 20 th HQMF Translators Working on HL7 Model updates and schemas which is a pre-requisite
Next Steps Continue with the RI and Specification Activities Soliciting volunteers who are experienced in R-MIM’s and XML/XSLT to help with some of the upcoming tasks Volunteers who can represent queries using the proposed HQMF Provide comments on the Proposed changes for HQMF Soliciting volunteers for the QRDA Work stream Volunteers requiring access to the code repository Please sign up for a google account at Project Repository - Sign up for the RI at