6 Dec Rev. 14 Dec CmpE 583 Fall 2008OWL Intro 1 OWL Intro Notes off Lacy Ch. 4 Atilla Elçi
6 Dec. 2006CmpE 583 Fall 2008OWL Intro 2 Web Ontology Language: OWL OWL is a language for defining ontologies and associated individual data. OWL provides users with: –Info representation features to define and extend ontologies –Base for expressive statements –Scalability and modularity –Use of XML for serialization –Machine readibility –Base for semantic annotations OWL is used to make statements (assertions) about: –Classes, –Properties, and –Individuals.
6 Dec. 2006CmpE 583 Fall 2008OWL Intro 3 Semantic Web’s Layered Architecture Applications Implementation Layer Ontology Languages (OWL Lite, DL, Full) Logical Layer RDF SchemaIndividuals Ontological Primitive Layer RDF and RDF/XML Basic Relational Language Layer XML and XMLS Datatypes Transport / Syntax Layer URIs and Namespaces Symbol / Reference Layer
6 Dec Rev. 14 Dec CmpE 583 Fall 2008OWL Intro 4 Technology Support for the Layers LAYERSTECHNOLOGIES Domain/Business Rules (Domain) Rules Layer: Rules and trust relations for the domain of interest Applications Implementation Layer: Ontology editor, reasoner, software dev tools; prog languages Ontology Languages (OWL Lite, DL, Full) Logical Layer: OWL dialects for ontologies RDF SchemaIndividuals Ontological Primitive Layer: Data model items: RDFS standard vocabulary Instances: throughRDF RDF and RDF/XML Basic Relational Language Layer: RDF XML and XMLS Datatypes Transport / Syntax Layer: Serialization through XML; Datatypes through XMLS URIs and Namespaces Symbol / Reference Layer: Through URIs and namespaces
6 Dec. 2006CmpE 583 Fall 2008OWL Intro 5 References Tracy, Lee W.: OWL: Representing...OWL: Representing...