1 ND280m Overview of the activities T. Nakaya (Kyoto) Nov 7,


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Presentation transcript:

1 ND280m Overview of the activities T. Nakaya (Kyoto) Nov 7,

2 Outline 1.Overall activities (ND280 meeting: 11/7-8) Important subjects at this meeting 1.UA1 Magnet (CONV, IBR, TB, …) 2.SMRD Installation (CONV., IBR, TB, …) 3.Elec/DAQ/Online/Slow-control/Offline/Software group organization (A special ad hoc committee). 4.Unclear items including schedule conflict (→ CONV, TB) 3.Schedule 4.IPNS ND280 Review (11/27-28)

3 1. Overall activities Nov. 7, 8 from 8:00 – 22:00. – –Conveners meeting, –Software, –Elec/DAQ, –Technical Board (TB), –SMRD, –TPC, –FGD, –INGRID, –P0D, –ECAL, –Photo-sensor, –Scintillator/Fiber –Magnet

4 1. UA1 Magnet The magnet must arrive in Japan before Nov (one year from now). –The recovery (sandblasting and paining) must be finished by the end of June –Intensive discussions in the conveners, IBR, TB, special meetings. We are working hard for this key component. –Technical aspects –Financial aspects


6 2. SMRD Installation Two Important milestones –Survey of the magnet yoke 8mm thick scintillator modules are required. Will test the 7mm thick scintillator by the end of this year. –Installation of the modules after construction of magnet and facility building. Mock-up test at LSU and CSU Arrangement of the sinitillator modules –Must be optimized for physics case. Have an answer by January 2007.

7 3. Elec/DAQ/Online/Slow- control/Offline/Software group organization Ad hoc committee met to discuss the group structures. The recommendations are Electronics [A. Weber] DAQ/Online [G. Pearce] Slow-Control [R. Poutissou] Software/Offline [C. McGrew, Y. Uchida]

8 4. Unclear items including schedule conflict (→ CONV, TB) We also work to identify the unclear items in the TB members. –Common fund items. –Missing items. The uncertainty of schedule and conflict also will be discussed in the TB meeting.

9 ND280 Schedule It is shown by Tsukamoto-san. –We have only 28 month before we have the beam Obviously, the ND280 is a complicated system. We may have many risky aspects in the project (technically, financially,...). However, so far, we work hard trying to keep schedule including very challenging device. –TPC, ASIC, Elec., Photo-sensor, etc.. => Need Review !

10 IPNS ND280 Review (11/27-28) Nov. 27 th (Mon) Overview/Introduction ??? General T2K Physics T. Nakaya (15 min.) Beam line status T. Kobayashi/Y. Yamada/A.K.Ichikawa? (15 min.) ND280 overview T. Nakaya (15 min.) Facility T. Tsukamoto (15 min.) (coffee break) Physics A. Konaka (50 min.) INGRID T. Nakaya (50 min.) (Lunch) Magnet P. Loverre ? (30min.) FGD S. Oser (50 min.) TPC D. Karlen and M. Zito (50 min.) (coffee break) P0D C. Mcgrew/K. McFarland (50 min.) ECAL C. Touramanis (50 min.)

11 Nov. 28 th (Tue) SMRD T. Kutter (50 min.) Photo-Sensor Y. Kudenko/M.Yokoyama (50 min.) (coffee break) Installation/schedule T. Tsukamoto (15min.) (Electronics/DAQ) FGD electronics F. Retiere (30min.) TPC electronics Saclay member? (30min.) (Lunch) Scintillator detecetors A. Weber (30min.) DAQ G. Pearce (30min.) Closed session The review document will be distributed inside the collaboration soon after this T2K meeting.