a new face for HEPiX Peter van der Reest HEPiX Board Bologna,
| Seite 2 > Structure of new HEPiX site should reflect the HEPiX philosophy and the target audience(s) information exchange publication of the work done by HEPiX information for IT professionals, management, potential new visitors to the meetings (maybe from different communities) and lastly but not importantly the general public > Management of the site should not be put at the hands of our HEPiX co-chairs exclusively delegation of information input and maintenance to e.g. HEPiX working groups volunteers / editors
| Seite 3 structure proposal > starting page artwork needed from all sites > activities working groups – active and retired > meetings general info and links to Indico’s used > documents conference summaries, checklists/help for meeting organisers, logo/artwork, board notes > contacts and participating organisations chairs
| Seite 4 contacts again > Proposal to have profiles of HEPiX members online, so contacting colleagues with shared interests will become easier esp. in between meetings, while not trying to make meeting attendance unnecessary > maybe have an insight into HEPiX board structure? > maybe feature active track organizers? > definitely feature organisations active in HEPiX needs (semi-) annual updates proposal: fact sheet, logo and links to HEPiX sites
| Seite 5 working group substructures > try to have same basic structure for all working groups mandate members work in progress meeting notes documents produced > or have completely independent sites for WGs (as now) and only provide links and milestone reports on HEPiX site?
| Seite 6 work done and to be done > fitting theme / template for use with drupal in Rome selected > basic prototype for structure has been started > responsive design rules implemented > if board agrees to structure, DESY will continue the implementation > provide this for the drupal at exCASPUR by summer > AuthN/Z matters will need to be discussed with Andrei and Monica
| Seite 7
| Seite 8 prototype > for now, a preview/mockup ist available at > impressions by DESY PR Office