Forrest Gump CharactersAndThemes
Characters –Born June 6, 1944 –Greenbow, Alabama –Named after Nathan Bedford Forrest- General in Civil War, First Grand Wizard of the KKK –Met Presidents JFK, LBJ, and RN –Football, College, Army, Shrimp Boat –“…wherever I was going, I was running!”
Characters Characters Mrs. Gump –“Life is like a box of chocolates…” –“Stupid is as stupid does.” –“He’s on vacation!” –“I’m dying Forrest. It’s my time.” –“I happen to believe you make your own destiny. You have to do the best with what God gave you.”
Characters Lt. Dan –Everyone has a Destiny to fulfill. –Made his peace with God. Bubba –Best Friend Jenny (Curran) –“I wish I could have been there with you.” Forrest, “You were.” Forrest, “You were.”
Characters More Jenny –Forrest- “Sometimes there just aren’t enough rocks.” –Victim of abuse (father) –Drugs –AIDS –Nature and evolution of her love for Forrest? –Little Forrest
Themes Momma and Lt. Dan’s philosophy –Forrest Gump: “I don't know if we each have a destiny, or if we're all just floatin' around accidental-like on a breeze. But I, I think maybe it's both, maybe both happening at the same time.” –How does God’s plan work in the philosophy of Mrs. Gump’s and Lt. Dan? –“The Feather?” What does it symbolize? –Do you have a destiny or are you just floatin?
Themes Themes LOVE –Forrest and Jenny – Will you ever love someone as much as Forrest loves Jenny? How would you describe their love? –Forrest and Bubba– Do you have a best friend? What does it mean? How much do you love them? –Forrest and Lt. Dan – How would you describe their relationship? Do you have any friendships like that?