Cincinnati University Clifton ave,cincinnatiotl45221
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Bearcat We had two Bearcats in the late '70s. I was the girl Bearcat mascot in that got married to the guy mascot for Homecoming at the student union bridge at noon
The University 1819: Founding of Cincinnati College and the Medical College of Ohio. 1870: The city of Cincinnati establishes the University of Cincinnati, which later absorbed the earlier institutions. 1906: The University of Cincinnati creates the world’s first cooperative education program through its College of Engineering. 1968: UC becomes a “municipally-sponsored, state-affiliated” institution. During this time, the University of Cincinnati is the second-oldest and second-largest municipal university in the country. July 1, 1977: UC becomes one of Ohio’s state universities, the culmination of a transitional period that began in Today: As the 18th largest university in the nation, UC offers more than 300 academic programs to more than 42,500 students. Read UC's numerous rankings.Read UC's numerous rankings.
Their Basketball Team!!! Alumni may know the back story of UC men’s basketball coach Mick Cronin. After an injury in high school cut short a career as a player, the Cincinnati native began coaching, first as a high school junior varsity and varsity coach during his undergraduate studies in history, as assistant coach at UC and Louisville, then as head coach for Murray State University in Kentucky. He assumed the role as UC’s head coach in 2006.UC men’s basketballhistory But few may realize that Cronin’s current position is the culmination of a life-long dream of the 1996 history alumnus.
The Coach Dan heard Mick's introduction as the University of Cincinnati's 26th head basketball coach -- the Bearcats of the Big East, arguably the best basketball conference in the country and the team the Cronin family grew up loving. Yet Dan couldn't stop thinking about the way Mick, a UC student in the early '90s, hustled to every summer camp from Cincinnati to Pittsburgh in a beat-up '79 Cadillac to make connections, network with coaches and learn the game. Cincinnati bearcats head basketball coach Mick Cronin %