MAA Time Survey Annual Training Madera County Office of Education Local Education Consortium Medi-Cal Administrative Activities Central Valley Services Region VII School Year: Presented by: Susan Ellyson and Ronee Copeland
Why train again? Q: I participated last year and know what I’m doing already. Why must I train again this year? Answer: All employees who participated last year must train AGAIN this year. Training EVERY YEAR is mandatory. Your Region 7 LEC receives their annual training from DHCS each July, and are provided with updates which are then conveyed to you in your annual training. Your deadline to receive your training is “prior to the 3 rd MAA quarter”. Q: If I know the MAA program well and have participated many times, can I train new people? – Answer: You are not eligible to be a trainer this year until you have received your training this year from the Region 7 LEC. Q: What if this is my first time participating in MAA? What is my training deadline, and who must train me? – Answer: If this is your first time participating, you must be trained BEFORE you begin your first time survey. Your trainer must have received their annual training THIS YEAR by the Region 7 LEC. They are not eligible to train you this year until this happens (even if they have been participating for many years). EACH YEAR starts everyone’s training requirements all over again. 2 Updated on: 8/4/2011
What is MAA & how do I participate? MAA stands for “Medi-Cal Administrative Activities” Schools promote access to health care for students, preventing costly or long-term health care problems for at-risk students, and coordinating students’ health care needs with other providers. The program allows school claiming units to be reimbursed for some of their administrative costs associated with school-based health and outreach activities that are not claimable under the LEA Medi-Cal Billing Option or under other Medi- Cal. In general, the cost of school-based health and outreach activities reimbursed under MAA consist of: referring students/families for Medi-Cal eligibility determinations, providing health care information and referral, coordinating and monitoring health services, and coordinating services between agencies. How to participate? It is necessary to determine the amount of time school staff spend performing MAA. Time spent by school staff on MAA is identified using a time survey. The results of the time survey is then used in a series of calculations to determine the percentage of school costs that can be claimed under MAA. MAA reimbursement to school claiming units is made from federal Medicaid funds. 3 Updated on: 8/4/2011
How to… Log on to MAA Log on to webpage: On left hand bar, click: Medi-Cal Administrative Activities (MAA) 4 Updated on: 8/4/2011
How to… Navigate the MAA website Click on “MAA” Home to return to the main page 5 Updated on: 8/4/2011
How to… Navigate the MAA website Click on “My MAA” Time Survey for your quarterly grid and reference card 6 Updated on: 8/4/2011
How to… Navigate the MAA website Click on “Contact Us” for your Region 7 LEC 7 Updated on: 8/4/2011
How to… Navigate the MAA website Clicking on “MAA Background” and “Statewide LEC Committee” tabs will provide you with historical information on the MAA program and the Regional participation information 8 Updated on: 8/4/2011
How to… Access my time survey grid In the “My MAA” Time survey tab, click on the link “Click to download form to my desktop”. When prompted to Open or Save, choose Save. 9 Updated on: 8/4/2011
What are MAA codes? Billable codes are: 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 15 and 16. Non -billable codes, otherwise known as “Parallel Codes” are: 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 and Updated on: 8/4/2011
What are some examples of billable activities? CODE 4: INITIAL OUTREACH (PARALLEL CODE 3) Referred sick student to a medical provider for health services. Distributed Medi-Cal/Healthy Families flyers to families within my class. Referred a student for initial mental health evaluation/services. CODE 6: MEDI-CAL APPLICATION (PARALLEL CODE 5) Reviewed a family’s Medi-Cal/Healthy Families application to assure them it was correctly completed. Helped family gather documents for Medi-Cal/Healthy Families application. CODE 8: ON-GOING REFERRAL, COORDINATION, MONITORING (PARALLEL CODE 7) Attended an IEP; a Medi-Cal eligible student’s speech therapy was reviewed for next year. The principal, school psychologist, school nurse and I were discussing the ongoing mental health issues of a student during a meeting. CODE 10: TRANSPORTATION (PARALLEL CODE 9) Arranged transportation for a student to receive Speech Services. Arranging a ride for a family so student can receive mental health services as part of an IEP referral. CODE 12: TRANSLATION (PARALLEL CODE 11) Translated for the school nurse to the parents on where and how to obtain Medi-Cal services for their child. Arranged for a translator to assist between a speech therapist and parent during an IEP meeting. CODE 14: PROGRAM PLANNING, POLICY DEVELOPMENT, INTER-AGENCY COORDINATION (PARALLEL CODE 13) Attended a Principals Meeting to explain the new site-based system of dental services we’re able to offer this year. Worked with health center discussing available medical programs that we can offer to students and families that may not have medical insurance. CODE 15: MEDI-CAL CLAIMS ADMINISTRATION, COORDINATION, TRAINING (NO PARALLEL CODE) Completed MAA Time Survey form. CODE 16: GENERAL ADMINISTRATION/PAID TIME OFF (NO PARALLEL CODE) Approved paid time off. 11 Updated on: 8/4/2011
How to… Complete my time survey (Page 1) 12 Updated on: 8/4/2011
How to… Complete my time survey (Page 1 – broken down by day/hours) 13 Updated on: 8/4/2011
How to… Complete my time survey (Page 1 – signature line) BLUE INK! 14 Updated on: 8/4/2011
How to… Complete my time survey (Samples Page) 15 Updated on: 8/4/2011
How to… Complete my time survey 16 Updated on: 8/4/2011
Ensure Accuracy 17 Updated on: 8/4/2011
Questions? us at: 18 Updated on: 8/4/2011
Certificate of CompletionCertificate of Completion I, __________________________________, hereby certify, that I have successfully completed the online MAA training, as presented by Susan Ellyson and Ronee Copeland. Completed on: 12/18/2015 7:04 AM Signature: _______________________________ Madera County Office of Education Local Education Consortium Medi-Cal Administrative Activities Central Valley Services Region VII *This original certificate must be submitted with your time survey Updated on: 8/4/2011