PABLO PICASSO His Life and Times
HIS EARLY LIFE He was born on October 25, He was baptized a catholic and was given the name Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Martyr Patricio Clito’. Picasso was born into a middle class family in the city of Málaga in the Andalusian region of Spain. He was the first child of Don José Ruiz y Blasco(1838–1913) and María Picasso y López. The family moved to A Coruña in 1891, where his father became a professor at the School of Fine Arts.MálagaAndalusianDon José Ruiz y BlascoA Coruña In 1895, Picasso was traumatized when his seven-year-old sister, Conchita, died of diphtheria.diphtheria
EARLY CAREER Career officially began in Picasso's Blue Period (1901–1904), characterized by somber paintings rendered in shades of blue and blue-green, only occasionally warmed by other colors, began either in Spain in early 1901, or in Paris in the second half of the year. The Rose Period (1904–1906) is characterized by a more cheery style with orange and pink colors, and featuring many circus people, acrobats and harlequins known in France as saltimbanques.harlequins The harlequin, a comedic character usually depicted in checkered patterned clothing, became a personal symbol for Picasso. The African-influenced period lasted from 1907 to 1909 and was inspired by African artefacts.
THE SOMBER GUITARIST The somber guitarist with its drab color pallet and somber tone is one of the best examples of Picasso’s blue period.
GARÇON À LA PIPE, (BOY WITH A PIPE)GARÇON À LA PIPE The boy with pipe with its fruity and colorful tone is a perfect example of the rose period.
VASE OF FLOWERS Picasso’s work ‘vase of flowers” is like most of his African-influenced works shares many traits with African works of the time.
CUBISM & FAME Analytic cubism (1909–1912) is a style of painting Picasso developed with Georges Braque using monochrome brownish and neutral colors. Both artists took apart objects and "analyzed" them in terms of their shapes.cubismGeorges Braque Most of Picasso’s famous paintings were during his cubist period. After acquiring some fame and fortune, Picasso made his love for Marcelle Humbert, who he called Eva Gouel known. Picasso included declarations of his love for Eva in many Cubist works. Picasso was devastated by her premature death from illness at the age of 30 in 1915.
L'HOMME AUX CARTES (CARD PLAYER) Card player is a perfect example of analytical cubism, due to its monochrome pallet and use of basic objects to imitate a single more complex subject.
SURREALISM In the 1920’s Picasso began to adopt a neoclassical and surrealist style. In the 1930’s Picasso’s motif shifted from a harlequin to minotaur, a common symbol in surrealist works Guernica, 1937
PERSONAL LIFE After acquiring some fame and fortune, Picasso made his love for Marcelle Humbert, who he called Eva Gouel known. Picasso included declarations of his love for Eva in many Cubist works. Picasso was devastated by her premature death from illness at the age of 30 in At the outbreak of World War I (August 1914) Picasso lived in Avignon and his work became more somber.Avignon Towards the end of World War I, Picasso made a number of important relationships with figures associated with Serge Diaghilev's Ballets Russes. number of important relationshipsSerge DiaghilevBallets Russes In the summer of 1918, Picasso married Olga Khokhlova, a ballerina with Sergei Diaghilev's troupe, for whom Picasso was designing a balletOlga KhokhlovaSergei Diaghilev After return from honeymoon, and in desperate need of money, Picasso started his exclusive relationship with the French-Jewish art dealer Paul Rosenberg. Paul Rosenberg
PERSONAL LIFE (CONTINUED) In 1927 Picasso met 17-year-old Marie-Thérèse Walter and began a secret affair with her. Picasso's marriage to Khokhlova soon ended in separation.Marie-Thérèse Walter The two remained legally married until Khokhlova's death in Picasso carried on a long-standing affair with Marie-Thérèse Walter and fathered a daughter with her, named Maya's. Throughout his life Picasso maintained several mistresses in addition to his wife or primary partner. Picasso was married twice (Olga Khokhlova, & Jacqueline Roque) and had four children by three women. Picasso died in Mougins, France on April 8, 1973 (aged 91)