CSS 290: Video Games and Computer Programming
CSS 2902 Reading: Conditional Statements PLAD, Chapter 5 (“Repetition Structures”) –5.1: Overview –5.2: Condition-controlled loop Good to know about, we mostly won’t be using it –5.3: Count-controlled loop –5.4, 5.5: Ignore these –5.6: Nested Loops: Skim this
CSS 2903 Reading: Conditional Statements C#2005: Chapter 5 –“Iteration(Looping) Statements” –Read PLAD first/most, then use this to figure out what to type
CSS 2904 This lecture Reading Quiz Midterm Topic List Loops in C#
CSS 2905 Next Lecture (May 8) Midterm exam! Mix of on-computer & on-paper –On-paper first Probably C# /game design focused A couple of quizzes were printed out –GameMaker “create a game that does X”
CSS 2906 Next Homework Assignment Take the Gender/Casual Rubric, And apply it to 2 games: –1 game where the game does well –1 game where the game does NOT do well You’re encouraged to find *any* game (up through ‘M’ rating), including/especially current console games (i.e., 360/PS3/Wii/etc) –Online, 2D games are fine, though
CSS 2907 Tutor Now Available Mondays, Wednesdays, from noon till 2pm In the Windows lab Announce LOUDLY that you’re looking for the 290 tutor – address has been ed out to each of you
CSS 2908 Grading A2 revision is due TODAY –Tuesday, May 6 A3 revision is due on Thursday –Thursday, May 8
CSS 2909 And now… the quiz! Download the ‘Starter File For the Quiz’ –You must change the provided starter so that it uses a loop (a Repeat statement) to do one of the following two options: Draws the three walls in the same place they are now Detect collision (and set collided) for the three walls –You only have to do ONE of those two