II.Anatomical Study A. Anatomical Positioning 1. Anatomical positioning is the standardized method of observing or imagining the body for consistent reference 2. Consists of subject standing erect, face forward, arms at sides, palms forward, and feet flat on the floor
B. Regional names 1. Regional names are the names given to regions of the body for reference 2. Each region has its own name: a. cranial= skull b. cephalic= head c. thoracic= chest d. brachial= arm
C. Directional terms 1. Used in the precise location of a body part in relation to others 2. Examples: a. Superior- toward the head b. Inferior- away from the head c. Anterior- nearer to the front d. Posterior- nearer to the back
e. Prone- anterior down d. Supine- anterior up f. Medial- nearer to the midline g. Lateral- away from midline h. Intermediate- between two structures i. Ipsilateral- same side j. Contralateral- opposite side k. Proximal- nearer to the attachment of an extremity
l. Distal- farther from the point of an attachment of an extremity m. Superficial- toward surface n. Deep- away from the surface o. Parietal- outer wall of a body cavity p. Visceral- covering of an organ within a body cavity