Why You Need a Professional Property Manager By: LandlordAspirin.com Presenter: Adrian M. Waters
Top Nine Reasons Why… Collecting and Depositing Monthly Rent Payments Rental Rates Housing Regulations and Property Law Marketing and Advertising Inspections. Residents Access to Professionals Time Management Remote Locations
Pit Falls To Avoid Dealing with Government Agencies Lead Paint Use & Occupancy Registrations Rent Court
Marketing LandlordAsprin.com will market your property on our main website and twenty other places on the internet for maximum exposure. Marketing Video
Move Ins… LandlordAsprin.com videos move ins on the day of lease signing to fully document condition of property. Move In Video
Evictions… LandlordAspirin.com will video move outs and evictions. Eviction Video
Repairs and Rehabs… LandlordAspirin.com shoots before and after video of repairs and rehabs, so you feel more connected during the process Repair Video
Why you need someone local… In business today, you can do many things electronically, and remotely, but nomatter how much technology you may use, property management is a “hands on” business.
Having the “right” documentation…
Project Management LandlordAspirin “takes the headache out of project management”.
Documentation… Using the proper documentation and good record keeping is key to your success.
Property Management & Accounting Software
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