NECAP Test Administration Workshop Dates: August 24th and 26th and September 7th, 8th, and 9th, 2005 Measured Progress and NH DoE Office of Curriculum and Assessment
The purpose of this workshop is to ensure that everyone understands the administration procedures for the tests. the NECAP tests are administered in a comparable way in all locations across the three states. the student demographic information collected is of high quality. quality control procedures are followed for returning materials.
Amanda Smith: NECAP Program Assistant Phone ext Monica Shea: NECAP Program Manager Phone ext Measured Progress Service Center Harold Stephens: NECAP Program Director Phone ext Timothy Crockett: Assistant Vice President Phone ext
NH Doe Assessment Staff Contact Information Tim Kurtz Director of Assessment phone: Gaye Fedorchak Coordinator of Alternate Assessment phone: Rich Andrusiak Mathematics phone: Linda Stimson English Language Arts phone: Deb Fleurant Title I phone: Jan McLaughlin Science phone: Ken Relihan Social Studies phone: David Gebhardt NAEP phone:
Important Dates September 12-16: Test Materials shipped to schools September 26: Student ID Labels shipped to schools October 3:Last Date to Request Other Accommodations October : Test Administration Window October 25:Last Date to Request Medical Exemption October 26: UPS pickup test materials for return to Measured Progress (materials must be ready at 8 AM)
The New England Common Assessment Program (NECAP) (page 3) Background Collaboration among New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont to create a common program Allows states to combine experience, increase capacity, and share costs Structure and Format of the Test Testing at grades 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 in reading and mathematics and writing at grades 5 and 8 Grade Level Expectations NECAP tests include the following item types: Multiple-choice, short answer, constructed-response, and writing prompts.
Distribution of Emphasis for Reading Reading Content Clusters Distribution of Emphasis 2 (3)3 (4)4 (5)5 (6)6 (7)7 (8) Word Identification20% Vocabulary20%20 Init. Understanding Literary 20%20 15 Init. Understanding Informational 20%20 Analysis and Interpretation Literary 10% Analysis and Interpretation Informational 10%1020 TOTALS100%100
Distribution of Emphasis for Writing Writing Content Clusters Distribution of Emphasis 2 (3)3(4)4(5)5(6)6(7)7(8) Structures of Language Less emphasis Response to Text Greater emphasis Narrative Greater emphasis Less emphasis Informational Writing Greater emphasis (reports) Greater emphasis (reports or persuasive) Conventions Less emphasis
* 2 (3) indicates end of grade 2 GLEs are tested at the beginning of grade 3 Mathematics Content Strands Distribution of Emphasis 2 (3)*3(4)4(5)5(6)6(7)7(8) Number and Operations 55% Geometry and Measurement 15%20 25 Algebra and Functions 15% Data, Statistics, & Probability 15%15 Total100%100 Distribution of Emphasis for Mathematics
2 stand-alone vocabulary multiple choice (1pt) 1 Literary or Informational passage 4 multiple choice questions (1 pt) 1 constructed response question (4 pts) 1 Literary or informational passage 8 multiple choice questions (1 pt) 2 constructed response questions (4pts) Short Reading Passage Long Reading Passage All Text is Authentic Literary passages include poetry, traditional narratives, and modern narratives. Informational passages include content areas and practical text. Reading Test Design: Same design for each of the three 45-minute* sessions (over three days). All state GLEs are included in the test and most are measured by more than one item type. *Students are allowed an additional 45-minutes per session without an accommodation. Schedule up to 90 minutes of uninterrupted time for each session.
May have response to text stimulus Prompt Scored Planning Box (3 pts) - may be used to plan or to check writing Extended Response (6 pts) : 5 th Grade response to literary text OR response to informational text OR report OR narrative 8 th Grade response to literary text OR response to informational text OR report OR persuasive Constructed Response (4 pts) 3 rd of 3 not in Session II Constructed Response (4 pts) 2 nd of 3 not in Session II Constructed Response (4 pts) 1 st of 3 not in Session II 10 Multiple Choice (1 pt): Conventions & Structures Session I Writing Test Design: Two 45-minute* sessions at grades 5 and 8. All state GLEs are included in the test and most are measured by more than one item type. Session II *Students are allowed an additional 45-minutes per session without an accommodation. Schedule up to 90 minutes of uninterrupted time for each session.
Session I No Calculator or tools Math Test Design (Grades 3 & 4): Three 45-minute* test sessions. All state GLEs are included in the test and most are measured by more than one item type. 12 multiple choice (one point each) 5 Short Answer (one point each) 6 Short Answer (two points each) 16 multiple choice (one point each) 4 Short Answer (one point each) 4 Short Answer (two points each) Session II Calculator and tool active 4 Short Answer (one point each) 3 Short Answer (two points each) *Students are allowed an additional 45-minutes per session without an accommodation. Schedule up to 90 minutes of uninterrupted time for each session.
Math Test Design (Grades 5 - 8): Three 45-minute* test sessions. All state GLEs are included in the test and most are measured by more than one item type. Session I No Calculator or tools 13 multiple choice (one point each) 3 Short Answer (one point each) 3 Short Answer (two points each) 14 multiple choice (one point each) 3 Short Answer (one point each) 3 Short Answer (two points each) Session II Calculator and tool active Session III Calculator and tool active 3 Short Answer (one point each) 3 Short Answer (two points each) 2 Constructed Response (four points each) *Students are allowed an additional 45-minutes per session without an accommodation. Schedule up to 90 minutes of uninterrupted time for each session.
Who should be tested (page 6) All students enrolled in the school as of October 1, Exceptions are students who: completed the Alternate Assessment for the 2004 – 2005 school year. are new to the U.S. after October 1, 2004 and are LEP\ELL. They do not have to take the Reading and Writing tests. They must take the Math test. have state-approved special considerations prior to the conclusion of state testing.
State A pproved Special Considerations New Hampshire Medical Exemptions Student must be registered with Tim Kurtz at the NH DoE ( ) Medical Exemption Request Form available on web Written permission will be issued to school Due Date: absolutely no later than October 25, 2005
Checklists for Principals and Test Coordinators (page ii) Before Testing During Testing After Testing
District Test Coordinator’s Responsibilities Primary responsibilities: ensure that schools prepare test administrators verify that students in out-placement schools are tested determine district testing schedule ensure that test security is maintained.
School Test Coordinator’s Responsibilities (page 4) Primary responsibilities: serve as the school’s contact person with Measured Progress coordinate all test-related activities prepare test administrators to administer NECAP according to directions in the Test Administrator Manual oversee the inventory, distribution, collection, and return of all test materials ensure test security and compliance with test administration procedures
Test Security (page 5) All test items and responses to those items in the NECAP are secure and may not be copied or duplicated in any way or kept by the school after testing is completed. Using secure test material to prepare students in any way for this test administration is a violation of test security and testing procedure. Test Security relies on the professional integrity of everyone in our schools across all three states. No student should be advantaged or disadvantaged based on how or where the test is administered.
Breaches in Test Security Any concern about breaches in test security must be reported immediately to the test coordinator and the principal. The test coordinator and/or principal is responsible for reporting the concern immediately to the district superintendent. The Superintendent will contact Tim Kurtz ( ).
Preparation for Test Administration (pages 6-14) Manuals (page 6) Read the Principal/Test Coordinator and Test Administrator Manuals Student Participation and Accommodations (pgs. 6-7) The Accommodations and Procedures: Administrators Training Guide covers these topics: Who should be tested Determining how students will participate using accommodations Documenting and bubbling in accommodation codes BEFORE TESTING
Accommodations Who is eligible for testing accommodations? ALL students
Accommodations Accommodations do not change what we expect students to know and be able to do. Test accommodations are based on individual student needs and classroom assessment practice; they are not for the use by an entire classroom or category of students. They should not give students unfair advantages; rather they are meant to remove barriers that may exist due to a student’s learning style or disability.
Accommodations These questions guided the decisions about accommodations for the NECAP tests: 1. How can we minimize the need for accommodations by improving our general test design and support materials? 2. When needed, what accommodations should be available to students so that test items can be accessed without providing an advantage? 3. What guidance can be provided to teachers so that accommodations are understood and effectively implemented?
Accommodations For guidance in using accommodations and for staff training: See the NH DoE website document titled: Accommodations, Guidelines, and Procedures: Administrator Training Guide Using the Table of Standard Test Accommodations, school teams may choose and use, without state approval, any standard accommodation listed in categories A, B, C, or D. After testing is finished, all accommodations actually used during testing must be recorded on page 2 of the Student Answer Booklet.
Accommodations If you wish to use an OTHER accommodation not listed in categories A,B,C, or D, you must use the form: Request for Use of Other Accommodation Requests for the use of Other Accommodations (E1 and E2) Student must be registered with Gaye Fedorchak ( ) Other Accommodation Request Form available on web Written permission will be issued to school Due Date: absolutely no later than October 3, 2005 If the requested accommodation is found to be comparable to a standard accommodation, written approval will be given to code as a “Category E Other” Accommodation. Student work done using category A, B, C, D, or approved E accommodations will be fully credited & scored.
Accommodations If state review determines that your request for an other accommodation will change what the test measures, then the state will respond in writing that use of this procedure will produce a test “modification” and must therefore be coded as a “Category F-Modification”. Use of a Category F Modification will result in no credit given for student work during test sessions in which this modification was used. Any “Other” Accommodation not registered as “approved” by the NH DoE will be treated as a Category F Modification.
Accommodations A school NEEDS to: support classroom teachers through the accommodations decision-making process. include all of a student’s classroom teachers, parents, and the student in the decision-making process if appropriate. Consultations with parents regarding use of accommodations can occur through phone or similar kinds of contacts. A face-to- face meeting is not required. standardize the accommodation administration process and plan the resources necessary for large-scale implementation. ensure that the students’ records include the decisions made to inform both current instruction and future educational planning.
Accommodations Schools should systematically develop a process for recommending appropriate accommodations for all students who need them and for locally documenting their use and how well they worked for the student. Future student support teams will be able to learn from your experience. Resource Support Reminder: Expanded information and guidance on planning, choosing, and using accommodations is available on the NH DoE website in a printable manual called: NECAP Accommodations, Guidelines, and Procedures: Administrator Training Guide
Resource Materials Student Support and Testing Materials Practice Tests and Resource Materials Tips for Students Math Reference Sheets NECAP Multiplication Table and NECAP Hundreds Chart Policy Material Accommodations, Guidelines, and Procedures: Administrator Training Guide Calculator Policy Request for Medical Exemption and Other Accommodation Forms 2005 NECAP Principal/Coordinator & Administrator Manuals Reference Materials 2005 Test Administration Workshop Presentation GLE and GLE Support Material Writing Rubrics Sample Parent Letter
Scheduling Test Sessions (pages 7-10) NECAP test sessions are designed to be completed in approximately 45 minutes. Students are allowed an additional 45 minutes without an accommodation. Only those students with an extended time accommodation may be permitted more than 90 minutes to complete a session. Schedule up to 90 minutes of uninterrupted time for administering each session All testing, including accommodated sessions and make-up sessions, must occur between October 3 rd and 25 th Test sessions must be scheduled and given in the order presented in the student’s test booklet. NECAP requires all schools within a district to adopt the same test administration schedule as a way to minimize breaches in test security. Due to the structure of districts in our state, NH will encourage, but not require, this policy.
Testing Schedule 3 Reading Sessions (at all grades) 3 Mathematics Sessions (at all grades) 2 Writing Sessions (at grades 5 and 8 only) 1 Student Questionnaire Please be aware that two important Jewish Holidays occur during the testing period: Rosh Hashanah (Oct 4) and Yom Kippur (Oct 13). In addition, NHEA occurs on Oct 7 and Columbus Day occurs on Oct 10.
Grades 3, 4, 6, 7 Single 95 minute admin block each morning Oct 3 Student Info Oct 4 Oct 5 Reading 1 Oct 6 Reading 2 Oct 7 Oct 10 Oct 11 Reading 3 Oct 12 Mathematics 1 Oct 13 Oct 14 Mathematics 2 Oct 17 Mathematics 3 Questionnaires
Grades 5, 8 Single 95 minute admin block each morning Oct 3 Student Info Oct 4 Oct 5 Reading 1 Oct 6 Reading 2 Oct 7 Oct 10 Oct 11 Reading 3 Oct 12 Mathematics 1 Oct 13 Oct 14 Mathematics 2 Oct 17 Mathematics 3 Oct 18 Writing 1 Oct 19 Writing 2 Questionnaires
Grades 3-4 & 6-7 and Grades 5 & 8 Two 95 minute admin blocks each day Oct 3 Student Info Oct 4 Oct 5 Reading 1 & 2 Oct 6 Reading 3 and Mathematics 1 Oct 7 Oct 10 Oct 11 Mathematics 2 & 3 (Questionnaire Grades 3-4 & 6-7) Oct 12 Writing 1 & 2 ( Questionnaire Grades 5&8)
Student ID (SASID) Labels (page 11) SASIDs EVERY student MUST have a valid SASID encoded on his or her booklet – either by printed student label or by bubbling Student Labels 283 schools requested labels for NECAP testing An additional labels were produced from educated guesses connected to the initial SASID requests. Affix labels that make sense, throw away the ones that don’t Hand Bubble in Name, Date of Birth, and SASID for the rest Student Labels will be shipped to schools on September 26 Grades 3 & 4 will receive one label per student Grades 5 through 8 will receive two labels per student
Preparing Student Test and Answer Booklets for Testing (page 12) Grades 3 and 4 will receive one integrated booklet (test and answers spaces combined in one booklet) Grade 5 through 8 will receive one test booklet and one answer booklet Booklets will be shrink-wrapped in packs Do not re-sequence test booklets or answer documents. The unique serial numbers on test booklets and answer booklets are not designed to match. There are separate Writing Test Booklets (for Grades 5 and 8 only) and there are no labels for these booklets.
Preparing Student Test and Answer Booklets for Testing (page 12) Grades 3 and 4 For students enrolled with a label, affix the label to front cover of Student Answer Booklet. For students enrolled without a label, write and bubble student name, SASID, and birth date on the front cover of the Student Answer Booklet. Grades 5 through 8 For students enrolled with a label, affix labels to front cover of Student Test and Answer Booklets. For students enrolled without a label, write student and school name on cover of Student Test Booklet. Also write and bubble student name, SASID, and birth date on front cover of Student Answer Booklet.
Prior to Test Administration (pages 13-14) Designating Test Administrators Administer test sessions simultaneously at a grade level Students that require accommodations must be supervised by trained test administrators (refer to Accommodations, Guidelines, and Procedures: Administrator Training Guide) Makeup sessions must be supervised by trained test administrators Preparing Test Administrators Set up meeting with test administrators to review test schedule, test administration procedures Provide SASID Labels and, for students without labels, student identification information
Preparing Test Administrators (pages 13-14) explain “For Teachers Use Only” field to teachers explain purpose of “Optional Reports for School Use” field discuss additional materials needed: calculators, scratch paper and/or Post-Its, multiplication tables and 100s chart (sessions 2 & 3 of math test only and only for grades 3 and 4) explain security procedures explain guidelines for classroom environment explain Mathematics toolkits for grades 3 and 4
“For Teacher Use Only” field For teachers to classify their students’ classroom performance into one of four achievement levels Front cover of Student Answer Booklet This information must be completed after testing Additional information and instructions for completing this field will be shipped with test materials
“For Teacher Use Only” field Discussion of Achievement Level Descriptions Based on what the student is prepared to do rather than what the student has done. Based on the premise that the GLEs are well-constructed, logical, and developmentally appropriate Evaluation of performance at each level based on GLEs at current grade. Advanced will not mean a student is above grade level. Include two components: gaps in student’s prerequisite knowledge and the likelihood that instruction is required to fill those gaps. Does not include normal review of material. Descriptions assume all students enrolled can attain proficiency with the necessary support and instruction.
Test Materials (pages 14-17) Inventory Test Materials (page 14) Packing Order of NECAP Materials Quantities of Student Test Booklets and Answer Booklets Quantities of Other Test Materials Ordering Additional Materials Storing and Access to Test Materials Equipment and Materials Permitted During Test Administration Equipment and Materials Prohibited During Test Administration Ancillary Test Materials
Test Administration (page 19) Distributing Test Materials Right before testing make sure materials are kept in a locked storage area. Monitoring Test Administration Test administrators may not comment on students’ work. Test administrators may not help students in any way except during the General Instructions, Student Questionnaire, or as specified in the Test Administrator Manual DURING TESTING
Preparation of Test Materials for Return (pgs 20-23) Collecting Materials After Testing List on page 20 of Principal/Test Coordinator Manual Make sure that all non-standard student generated work (Computer generated, large-print, and Braille responses) have been transcribed into a regular Student Answer Booklet Verifying the Completion of Student Information Student Demographic Data for students in New Hampshire will be gathered through the i.4.see system with the EOY (End of Year) and BOY (Beginning of Year) data submissions. DO NOT FILL OUT the box in the upper right hand corner on Page 2 of the Student Answer Booklet. All other sections on page 2 must be completed as appropriate. AFTER TESTING
For students WITH or WITHOUT Student ID Labels Ensure that accommodation information has been coded on page 2 of the Student Answer Booklet for students that used an accommodation(s) Ensure that a reason why a Student Answer Booklet is being returned blank in one or more sessions is marked on page 2 of the Student Answer Booklet, if applicable Ensure that the homeschooled field has been marked on page 2 of the Student Answer Booklet, if applicable
Preparation of Test Materials for Return (pages 20-23) Completing Principal’s Certification of Proper Test Administration Return of Materials Complete form On-Line Detailed instructions will be shipped with test materials Print, sign, and return a copy of the form with test materials Packaging test materials for return to Measured Progress (Instructions are on page 22 of Principal/Test Coordinator Manual) UPS One Day Pickup on October 26 th at 8:00 am Materials that do not need to be returned
DO NOT return the following: Packing Slip *Secure Materials* Math tool kits and envelopes Math reference sheets Rulers and protractors Principal/Test Coordinator manuals Test Administrator manuals Principal, Test Administrator, or Student Questionnaires (Questionnaire answer sheets are returned)
Questions and Answers