The News
What is “news”? Timely and different (Zimmerman?) Driven by low level of audience sophistication Entertainment For-profit v. government ownership
The News How is political news gathered? “beats” Symbiotic relationship between political leaders and the press
The News Press Political Figures Stories
The News Press Political Figures Message
The News How is political news gathered? “beats” Symbiotic relationship between political leaders and the press Trial balloons Periodic breaks from familiar sources
The News How is news presented? Superficial Political strategy v. substance
The News Consumers News Political Strategy
The News How is news presented? Superficial Political strategy v. substance Sound bites Role of cable networks
The News Bias? Not systematic? Political views of reporters? Story selection Presentation Agenda setting 1992 recession 2010 health care
The News Impact? Watchdog Who watches the watchers? Reduced importance of political parties