T HE F UTURE OF H EALTH R EFORM AND H EALTHCARE Micah Weinberg, PhD President, Bay Area Council Economic Institute 1
What the Future Should Look Like “Since controlling costs while improving quality is our ultimate goal, the solution is meaningful consumer choice among healthcare systems that have both the incentive and the capabilities to maximize health and wellness.”
What the Future Will Actually Look Like 3
Reform (Almost) Everyone is Talking About 4
Reform (Almost) No One is Talking About 5
Are we living in the Republican healthcare fantasy future? “I know Al Gore invented the Internet, but I invented health savings accounts, believe it or not.” Rick Santorum, March 2015
Medical Home or “Medical Homewrecking?”
This is the good news! (?) 8
More good news! (?) 9
Plenty of room for delivery system reform Alta Bates Medical Center: 50% of ER for non-urgent care 70% of those patients live within one mile of an FQHC Need better regional coordination/data exchange for “hotspotting” Source: Sutter Health/Better Health East Bay
Plenty of room for healthier behaviors 11
And don’t forget the prices Source: “An Evaluation of Specialty Drug Pricing Under the Pharmacy and Medical Benefit,” March Source: Congressional Budget Office, 2009
Will majority public payment move the needle?
Shall we simply submit to our robot overlords?
Often overlooked: Our humanity 15
Q & A 16