ERA-NET Cofund Smart Urban Futures Call to open 15 December 2015
Overview Established byJPI Urban Europe and Horizon 2020 Open December 15, 2015 Application2-step Call budget approx M€ Countries18
About the call In the ERA-NET Cofund Smart Urban Futures call cities and civil society in Europe can address urgent and long-term challenges by co-creating ideas and projects. The fourth call from the JPI Urban Europe with financial support from Horizon JPI Urban Europe initiates joint transnational calls in research, development and innovation in the field of sustainable urban development.
Call topics Concepts and strategies for smart urban transformation, growth and shrinkage New dynamics of public services Inclusive, vibrant and accessible urban communities
Type of projects wanted New and innovative approaches: living labs, transdisciplinary co-creation, co-production of knowledge Smart inter-urban development, eCity and digital issues Involving citizens and different groups New forms of engagement Practices - further developing of existing projects Tackle the implementation gap – spreading the knowledge to different stakeholders (research disciplines, citizens and decision makers, cities and consumers)
Who can apply? Researchers, practitioners, innovators, cities, municipalities, consumers, companies, NGOs, research institutions and other stakeholders dedicated to the development of European urban areas Project consortia consisting of at least three eligible applicants from at least three participating countries Partners from third countries are welcome in consortia but need funding from other sources
Time schedule Opening December 15, 2015 Pre-proposal deadlineMarch 2016 Invitations to submit full proposalMay 2016 Full proposal deadlineSeptember 2016 Funding decisions announcedDecember 2016 Start of projectsDec – March 2017
Project partners and call budgets CountryAgencyFunding (3 years) AustriaFFG2 M€ Belgium F.R.S. – FNRS FWO Innoviris 0.2 M€ 0.4 M€ 0.6 M€ CyprusRPF0.2 M€ DenmarkIFD1 M€ Finland Tekes AKA 1 M€ 0.5 M€ FranceANR1 M€ ItalyMIUR0.5 M€ LatviaVIAA0.3 M€ LithuaniaLMT0.2 M€
Project partners and call budgets CountryAgencyFunding (3 years) NetherlandsNWO2 M€ NorwayRCN1 M€ PolandNCN0.25 M€ PortugalFCT0.33 M€ RomaniaUEFISCDI1 M€ SloveniaARRS0.3 M€ Sweden Formas Swedish Energy Agency VINNOVA 2 M€ 0.9 M€ 1 M€ TurkeyTÜBITAK0.35 M€ United Kingdom AHRC EPSRC ESRC Innovate UK 0.56 M€ 0.7 M€
Become a member of the JPI Urban Europe community Network access –Researchers –Practitioners –Stakeholders –Experts in urban development –Etc. Programme activities –Programme seminars –Dissemination of results –A central programme website –Etc.
JPI Urban Europe call secretariat Johannes Bockstefl FFG – Austrian Research Promotion Agency Telephone: Joanna Komperda NCN – National Science Centre Poland Telephone: Contact your national agency for further information List of national funding agencies List of national funding agencies Continuously updated information on