Heating our future:
How Geothermal energy works: (For Low-Temp. sites) A well is dug as deep as need be. (depending on location) Water is pumped down to be heated. Once the water is sufficiently heated, it is siphoned up. The heated water can be used for many things, for example heating homes rmal/heat_pumps_heating.html
Operating cost based on 2004 energy prices and typical 2000 sq/ft. Ontario home with 4 occupants. Cost Comparison of Geothermal Energy
Iceland’s Energy usage Geothermal Energy Usage
Geothermal energy climate impact Information Supplied By: rmal.org/articles/ai r.pdf Coal Oil Gas Geothermal Energy
Conclusion: 12/GALLERY/site02/geothermal%20power%20plant.jpg