Welcome Parents!!! Grade 2 Parent Orientation Ms. Haughey Ms. Pashley Ms. Burns
Our Typical Day 8:20-Arrival 8:30-Morning Routines/Morning Meeting Recite the Pledge of Allegiance Take attendance Hand in notes/homework Hang up coats and book bags Morning Meeting Assistant Fundations a systematic, explicit, and multi-sensory approach to reading and spelling. Reduces reading failure by teaching essential skills (phonemic awareness, alphabetic principle, decoding, encoding, word analysis, vocabulary development, sight word instruction, fluency, and comprehension strategies). 9:07-9:52 – Social Studies Students are exposed to various non-fiction resources to support their learning about New York City Class trips Skills for Growing (Lions Quest) – provides opportunities for children to learn the emotional and social skills needed to lead healthy and productive lives. Fostering essential life and citizenship skills in: Responsibility Good judgment Self-discipline Respect for others
Our Typical Day (cont.) 9:55-Literacy Reading – ***Read and comprehend complex literary and informational texts independently and proficiently.*** Ask and answer such questions as who, what, where, when, why, and how to demonstrate understanding of key details in a text. Identify the main purpose of a text, including what the author wants to answer, explain, or describe. Know and use various text features (e.g., captions, bold print, subheadings, glossaries, indexes, electronic menus, icons) to locate key facts or information in a text efficiently Recount stories, and determine their central message, lesson, or moral. Guided Reading – Small-group reading instruction Supports students in developing reading proficiency Focuses on specific needs of the students. Text Level Recommended Time for Reading A-D Ten minutes E-I Fifteen minutes J-N Twenty Minutes
Our Typical Day (cont.) Writing- Narrative Opinion/Persuasive Writing Informative/Explanatory Writing 11:35- 12:25 – Lunch and Recess 12:30 – 1:08 – Homework/Pack-Up Homework will be given every night No Homework passes 1:10 – 2:30 – Math GO MATH Lessons facilitate conceptual development Students work from introduction to mastery of content standards Students use manipulatives, models, pictures and symbols to build understanding Students are actively engaged in reasoning during instruction
Our Typical Day (cont.) Cluster Teachers Ms. Estrada (Science) ~ Friday Mr. Jennings (Music) ~ Monday, Thursday Ms. Neidish (Library) ~ Wednesday Mr. Diaz (Physical Education) ~ Monday, Tuesday (please make sure your child wears sneakers or brings sneakers to change into on these days) (Playground) – 2x a week ~ Thursday, Friday (will dismiss from playground) 2:35 – Dismissal (Exit by the end of the ramp ) Tuesday-Parent Communication
Assessments Fundations Every one-two weeks at the end of each unit Math Show What You Know Mid-Chapter Check Point End of chapter test Addition and Subtraction quizzes I-Ready Literacy Running Records I-Ready Writing Rubrics Engrade
Fun In Second Grade School Store Desk Fairy Scholastic Book Order Student of the Week Mystery Reader Class Trips (Inhaler/Epipen) Morris Jumel Mansion Botanical Gardens Train Show The Skyscraper Museum Top of the Rock Fort Tryon Park
Contact Information (appointments, birthdays, questions, concerns) Remind app Class Notes, Notes, Notes School #: (212)
Second Grade Science Grading System
The grade will be an average of the items listed below. Check lists Class work Science Notebook Exit Passes Quizzes Tests
Science Notebook Benefits Documentation - develops organizational skills. Reference Document - helps students review forgotten facts. Cognitive Engagement - writing helps students clarify what they know.
Components of the Science Notebook Date and teaching point Class notes Vocabulary words Graphs, tables, and charts
Contact Information Leave a message at school office (212) me at Engrade-leave a message Parent volunteers are requested to assist during Science classes. If interested, please contact Ms. Estrada