West County CYC Golf 2009 Rules and Etiquette Seminar
West County CYC Golf Welcome to all parents and golfers in the Junior and High School divisions of the West County CYC Golf League. This seminar will briefly cover the rules and format of the West County CYC Golf League.
Seminar overview Rules of Golf Review the “High School” format for tournament play, post season Champions Tournaments and scoring by the players. Review the West County CYC tournament golf rules and team substitution rules. Review basic golf terms and terminology. Review the general rules of golf.
Seminar overview cont. Golf Etiquette Prayer before each match. Golf attire and manners during play among the players. Parents’ role in walking with the foursomes during tournament play. Spectators’ attire and manners during play. Play on the greens and around the hole. At the conclusion of play.
West County CYC Rules of Golf The “High School” format will be used for all matches in regular season and tournament play. Highlights of the format are: Matches consist of two teams playing 9 holes of golf. Teams consist of no more than 8 players. Players from each team will be assigned a starting hole with no more than 4 players on any hole. Each hole should have players from both teams. Prior to the start of play players will exchange scorecards so that each player is keeping score for another player in that group.
Scorecard Exchange ThreesomeFoursome B C A C BD A
West County CYC Rules of Golf “High School” format continued: Each match will have its own starter. Parents and spectators may walk with the group, but may NOT offer advice or assistance to the players. At the conclusion of the match each group should proceed to the designated area to turn in scorecards. The team score is the 5 lowest individual scores. Scores for the league are tracked by team and by individual player. Individual scores are posted by grade and gender.
West County CYC Rules of Golf Post Season Champions Tournaments - After the 6 regular season matches there will be Championship Tournaments for Teams and Individuals The top 2 teams in each division will qualify for the Team Championship Tournament. If either of the teams are unable to field the minimum of 5 players the next highest ranked team will be notified to play in the Championship Match. The team score will be the lowest 5 individual player’s scores. The top 8 individual players in each grade will qualify for the Individual Championship Tournament. If any player is unable to play the next highest finishing player will be selected as a replacement.
West County CYC Rules of Golf Player Scoring – A key point of the league is that the players keep their opponents score. At the start of the round each player will be handed a scorecard for that match. Players are responsible for checking the card to make sure that: The match information is correct – date, course, starting time and starting hole. The player information is correct – player name, team, parish, grade, and gender. New this year – player information will be provided on an address label which is affixed to the scorecard
West County CYC Rules of Golf Player Scoring continued Before beginning the match players will exchange scorecards with other players in their group. Fill in your name and team as the Scorer. After each hole is played the Scorer records the player’s score in the top portion of the scorecard. The Scorer can record his/her score in the space provided at the bottom of the scorecard. New this year – Players can tear off the bottom portion of the scorecard to keep for their records.
West County CYC Rules of Golf New Scorecard for 2009
West County CYC Rules of Golf Player Scoring continued At the end of the round the players will meet to review the scorecards. Players are only responsible for the scores on each hole and not the final total for the round. Scorecards are to be signed by both the Scorer and the Player. All scorecards must be returned to the Starter.
West County CYC Tournament Rules All matches will be conducted following the rules of golf as published by the USGA. The course will establish local rules for play including the use of drop zones, defining out of bounds, ground under repair, and obstructions. The league has also adopted certain rules for matches designed to assist players with speed of play and to conduct a fair competition.
West County CYC Tournament Rules Local rules in effect for 2009: Matches will be subject to a 2 hour time limit. Players may not start any hole after time limit has been met. A maximum score of 4 strokes over par (including whiffs and penalties) is allowed per hole. This is NOT optional – players must pick-up upon reaching max. Any unplayed hole will be recorded at max score. Players will play “ready golf” when possible following common rules of etiquette. The course will establish a drop zone for use on holes with water hazard or lateral water hazard.
West County CYC Tournament Rules Local rules in effect for 2009: Out-of-bounds – A ball that is clearly out-of-bounds should be replayed from the spot of the last shot with a one stroke penalty. If a ball is identified to be out-of-bounds upon reaching the ball the player should drop at the nearest point on the course where the ball crossed the boundary and proceed with a two stroke penalty. This is to avoid slow play by walking back. Players may always play a provisional ball if there is question regarding the status of their ball in play. Provisional balls must be properly marked and identified to others in the group.
West County CYC Tournament Rules Local rules in effect for 2009: Lost ball (outside of a hazard) – If a ball cannot be found in a reasonable amount of time the player should drop in the approximate area where the ball was lost. The penalty for lost ball is one stroke. If the ball is lost in an obstruction (man made object) there is no penalty for the drop. The players in the match should assist in the search for a lost ball so as not to delay their group and others behind them. Players should agree on the location for the drop to occur.
West County CYC Tournament Rules Local rules in effect for 2009: Parental assistance and coaching: Coaches and parent observers are required for each group. The sole function of the observer is to ensure pace of play. When possible verbal reminders should be used to reinforce the principles of ready golf, pace, max score, and assist in interpretation of the rules. Assistance to players on technique, distance and course conditions, carrying equipment, and other advice designed to improve a players play is strictly forbidden. The penalty for coaching will be a warning for the 1 st offense. Subsequent offenses may receive 1 or 2 stroke penalties.
West County CYC Tournament Rules Observers can: Walk with the group. Respectfully cheer. Help identify location of a players shot. Carry a jacket, water, umbrella, and other items for a player. Observers cannot: Offer advice on club selection or technique. Tend the pin. Keep score for the player or group. Carry a players bag or equipment. Coaching is the number one cause of slow play
Substitution Rules In order to be able to substitute for a team, the junior golfer must be a registered player in the golf program for the current season. A junior golfer is able to substitute if he/she has missed or is going to miss one or more of their scheduled team matches. A junior golfer can “play up” (play for a team that is at a higher grade level), but can not “play down” (play for a team that is at a lower grade level) as a substitute for a team. A junior golfer may also play for a team at the same grade level. The team must be of the same gender as the junior golfer’s rostered team. A junior golfer may substitute for a team of any participating schools. The maximum number of matches a junior golfer can play during the regular season is six (6). (Accordingly, the maximum number of substitutions allowed is six (6)). The junior golfer’s score counts for the team that they are substituting for and towards their individual scores for purposes of qualifying for the season ending Champions Tournaments. Substitutions have an impact in case of ties. It is the responsibility of the junior golfer to contact coaches to determine if they will need a substitute and arrange to substitute for that team. In past seasons there were many opportunities to substitute, since most teams have 1 or more players with conflicts each week. The goal of every team is to have at least 5 players at each weekly tournament match, preferably all 8 players, so that you have the best chance at obtaining the 5 lowest scores each week for your team.
Tie Breaker Rules TEAM CHAMPIONS TOURNAMENT At the end of the season should more than two teams by grade and gender tie for the lowest team scores, the following tie breaker rules will apply in the following order: The team that cumulatively had the most players show up each week, including substitutes (example wk1-5, wk2-4, wk3-8, wk4-6, wk5-4, wk6-8 for a total of 35 players.) The team that has the fewest default scores of 72 (example in a. above shows that in wk 2 and wk 5 the team had only 4 players so they had 2 default scores of 72 count towards their total team score.) INDIVIDUAL CHAMPIONS TOURNAMENT At the end of the season should more than 8 players by grade and gender tie for the lowest individual scores, the following tie breaker rules will apply: The junior(s) who had to substitute the fewest times during the season.
General Terms and Rules of Golf During the match players use stroke play – counting each stroke including penalties and whiffs up to the maximum strokes for that hole (4 strokes over par). The following slides identify some common situations encountered in a match and the proper rule for each.
General Terms and Rules of Golf Teeing area Players will be informed prior to the start of the match as to which color tee markers to use based on the grade of the player. Players may tee off anywhere within an imaginary box created between the tee markers and two club lengths back. Penalties: Playing from the wrong tee – Replay shot Playing from outside the tee area – 2 strokes
General Terms and Rules of Golf Play the ball as it lies: During play a ball can end up in some tricky situations. Most of the time you have to play it as it lies. Sometimes you can move things to get a better shot, swing or stance. Sometimes you may move the ball without a penalty. Sometimes you have to move the ball and may be charged a penalty. When in doubt about a rule – ask for assistance from another player or observer.
General Terms and Rules of Golf In general a player cannot improve the lie of the ball or the area of swing or stance. If the ball is sitting by a tree or bush you must play it as it is. If a loose impediment is interfering with the ball or your swing or stance the item can be moved without a penalty. Loose impediments are natural objects that that are not growing or embedded. Leaves, pine cones, stones and sticks are examples of loose impediments. Be careful when removing a loose impediment that you don’t cause your ball to move. You have to replace the ball where it was without any penalty. You cannot move loose impediments in a hazard.
General Terms and Rules of Golf An obstruction is a man made object and can be moveable like a trash can, sign, or rake. Obstructions can also be immovable like a light pole, bench, cart path, sprinkler or building. If a movable obstruction is interfering with the ball or your swing or stance it can be moved without a penalty similar to a loose impediment. If an immovable obstruction is interfering the player may move the ball to get relief from interference. For relief from interference a player must lift the ball and drop it without penalty within one club length of the nearest point of relief (not nearer the hole).
General Terms and Rules of Golf Sometimes the interference can be due to the condition of the course. Your ball may be in abnormal ground conditions (ground under repair or casual water), embedded, or even on the wrong green. As long as the ball is not in a hazard you may lift the ball, go to the nearest point of full relief (not nearer the hole) and drop within one club length without any penalty. Sometimes your ball is unplayable. It may be in thick bushes, or under a rock where you can’t swing your club. In an unplayable lie the player must lift the ball and drop with a one stroke penalty. The drop can be within two club lengths of the unplayable lie or anywhere in a line back from the hole.
General Terms and Rules of Golf Your ball may lie in a hazard – a bunker or water hazard. Special rules apply for play from a hazard. If the ball is in a hazard you cannot move any loose impediment that is also in the hazard. Before you take your stroke in the hazard you may not touch the ground with your hand or the club. The penalty for either of these infractions is two strokes. If you determine that a ball in the bunker is unplayable you may drop the ball in another part of the bunker. If it is unplayable in normal conditions you must take a one stroke penalty. If it is due to abnormal conditions there is no penalty if dropped in the bunker. If dropped outside the bunker there is a one stroke penalty.
General Terms and Rules of Golf Whenever you move a ball either with or without a penalty you should: 1.Notify another player of what you are going to do and why. 2.Mark the spot of the ball preferably using a tee. This is important because you may need to replace the ball to that spot or use that spot to measure where to drop. 3.If you are replacing the ball make sure it is in the same spot as it was before. If you are dropping use the applicable rule for the proper location. 4.If you are going to another spot for relief make sure it is not closer to the hole. Mark that spot with a tee of a different color. Drop the ball at the new location. 5.After the drop or place the ball is in play. Remember to pick up your tees before taking your next stroke.
General Terms and Rules of Golf When you reach the green players should place their bags between the hole and the next tee. Observers should remind players of this to speed up play. Quickly fix any ball marks you made. Players should follow the order of play on the green by having the furthest player from the hole playing first. The closest player should attend or remove the flagstick. Be ready when it is your turn. Players should only mark their ball when it interferes with another player’s line. Never move your ball without marking the spot first. After all players have holed out you should quickly proceed to the next tee where you can confirm the scores from the previous hole.
General Golf Etiquette Etiquette is the behavior on the course and applies to players and spectators alike. As part of the CYC prior to each match there will be a brief meeting of all teams to discuss any rules or conditions for the course followed by a group prayer. The starters will then announce the ending time for the match – two hour time limit. Players and observers should immediately proceed to their assigned starting hole being aware that others may be on the course completing their match.
General Golf Etiquette Proper golf attire is to be worn by all players and observers. Players will wear the team jersey. Jackets, sweaters, and sweatshirts may be worn if desired. Players may wear pants, shorts, or skirts for girls, however, there is no denim allowed on the course. Golf shoes are optional. Observers will also dress appropriately and follow the no denim policy.
General Golf Etiquette Players and observers are expected to conduct themselves as Christians during play. Courtesy and sportsmanship is to be followed at all times. Foul language and throwing clubs will not be tolerated. Players and observers should be considerate to others on the course. Conversation should be kept at a low level so as not to distract other players. Movement, talking and other noise should stop while a player is making a shot. Cell phone ringers and other electronic devices should be turned off during a match.
General Golf Etiquette Players and observers should assist each other in maintaining the pace of play. Try to keep up with the group in front of you. If you slow down every group behind you is delayed. Be observant of where your ball lands. Quickly walk directly to your ball being aware of others in the group and the location of their shot. Help the group by avoiding lost balls. Be ready to play when it is your turn. Take only one practice swing to avoid slowing down play. Quickly leave the green at the conclusion of the hole. Confirm the scores on the next tee so as not to delay the group behind you.
General Golf Etiquette Players should take care of the course On the green players should avoid dragging their feet or club which may damage the green. Don’t walk in other’s line. Repair all ball marks and divots you make during the course of play. Players should rake the bunker after exiting. This includes the area of play and the footprints you make entering and exiting. Don’t cause undo damage to the course.
West County CYC Golf This concludes the Rules of Golf and Etiquette Seminar. Your attention during this presentation is part of the key to making the League a success. On behalf of the West County CYC Golf League we thank you for participation and wish you success on and off the course in 2009.