Brandon Sanders Bruce Shelander Austin Henrikson
Par 6 A rube golberg device with the mini golf theme. It utilizes collision, torque, impending motion, and center of mass in order turn on an electronic device.
Materials Used Recycled plywood, nails, screws, magnets, cups, string, hot wheels track, toy helicopter, calculator, golf tee, golf balls, pvc pipe, foam board, note cards.
Steps 1 & 2 Step 1 Series of 6 collisions that displays the project title. Step 2 Zip line rig which catches the golf ball(1) and transports it to the start of the second track.
Steps 3 & 4 Step 3 The wheel receives the golf ball(1) from the second track. After it rotates it delivers the ball to balanced levers. Step 4 The golf ball(1) lands on the first lever with enough force to trip the series of levers.
Steps 5 & 6 Step 5 Is a golf ball balanced on a track and is triggered by the levers. The golf ball(2) then rolls down and turns on the calculator. Step 6 Golf ball(1) rolls down the track and goes into the hole and triggers the mousetrap. The mouse trap then pulls the toggle and the helicopter flies up and starts next group.
Conclusion Construction issues Achieving the correct angle for zip line. Getting the title to be displayed Where the wheel drops the ball Making the trapdoor and the first bit of track to work The levers to rotate correctly To get the helicopter to trigger the next device.