Science Department Draft of Goals, Objectives and Concerns 2010
Science Objectives To create and sustain a nationally and internationally recognized, challenging, science- focused learning community for high school students and teachers. Collect and use data to provide rich feedback to students, teachers, and all stake holders. Improve the quality of instructional materials available to teachers and students. Develop and document teaching and assessment strategies that support and nurture a community of science learners. Develop high quality assessments (may need help here). To develop the abilities of students as independent, creative thinkers and problem- solvers, who are knowledgeable in science, and well prepared to become leaders in science and technology. Include the history of science and the evolution of scientific inquiry techniques in science instruction. Model the methods of science, as well as the curiosity, openness to new ideas and data, and skepticism that characterize science. Draw on connections across subjects and disciplines to encourage multidisciplinary approaches to problem solving To recruit and support a creative faculty with expertise in science committed to both teaching and advancing their profession. Faculty will attend professional meeting conferences, contribute to publications and websites, and initiate outreach activities designed to share best practices. NCSSM will provide facilities and training for new tools to stay abreast of current
GOAL 1 Every NCSSM student will be challenged to participate in the rigorous study of science. Students will expand their scientific knowledge regardless of their prior preparation. Courses will be designed with rich laboratory and field experiences. Students will demonstrate the ability to read and understand scientific literature and to engage in scientific dialogue. Faculty will model and encourage the skills of scientific inquiry, as well as the curiosity, openness to new ideas and data, and skepticism that characterize science.
GOAL 2 NCSSM student will communicate, through writing and speaking, a clear understanding of key scientific concepts, and relate those concepts across disciplines. NCSSM will provide a wide array of opportunities for students to communicate science. NCSSM will provide opportunities for students to apply and demonstrate real-world applications, since the real world is not divided into disciplines.
GOAL 3 Every NCSSM student will demonstrate the ability to use evidence- based reasoning and apply the methods of science in asking and answering questions about the natural world. The curiosity and inquisitiveness of students will be nurtured. Students will routinely make and record observations. Students will develop the skill of framing testable questions. Students will learn to generate predictions from hypotheses and theories. Students will design and conduct an experiment or observational study. Students will learn that change, ambiguity and negative results are part of the scientific process
GOAL 4 Every NCSSM student will demonstrate the ability to recognize and apply appropriate technologies and mathematical strategies to problem solving. Students will demonstrate the selection of appropriate tools or strategies to use in problem solving. Students will demonstrate the ability to anticipate reasonable answers. Students will demonstrate the ability to develop and apply mathematical strategies. Students will demonstrate the ability to select and use appropriate technologies for data acquisition. Student will demonstrate the ability to use computational tools to solve problems and to display, analyze and present data. Students will demonstrate the ability to draw logical conclusion from experimental data and the analysis of data.
Concerns Preventing the further slippage of the science-focus of the N.C. School of Science and Mathematics Monitor and evaluate the science focus of NCSSM Maintaining NCSSM as a transitional bridge between high school and college that promotes the development of personal responsibility Modeling good citizenship particularly in the area of sustainability - a UNC system-wide goal Recommendations???: a thorough re-examination of the student recruitment and selection criteria careful evaluation of graduation requirements to ensure that they focus on science and mathematics achievement and a close review of scheduling, facilities allocations and other fiscally sensitive resources to ensure strong science-focus at the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics support for the development of advanced and/or innovative curricula that as authentically as possible represents how science is practiced through active support of grant writing and pursuit of other funding sources. offering additional advanced science courses and/or advanced content in existing courses balance operations and maintenance needs with water, energy and grounds use for education and training including training of our maintenance staff Equipment, space, and maintenance of equipment