Wednesday, August 17 th 5:30p.m.
Curriculum Language Arts – Text: Prentice Hall Writing- narrative essay, persuasive essay, research, descriptive, and informational. Reading- core novels ( Wrinkle in Time, The Cay), 4 books outside of class per semester, short stories, poetry, informational, reading strategies, comprehension, vocabulary Grammar- daily warm-ups, parts of speech, sentence structure, punctuation, usage, spelling. Critical thinking- activities- debates, projects, class discussions, creative writing, etc. Social Studies – Text: McDougall Littell Ancient Civilizations: geography, early man, Mesopotamia, Egypt, Kush, Israel (First Semester) Civilizations: China, India, Greece, Rome (Second Semester) Objectives: Patterns in civilizations Geography, politics, economy, religion, culture
What are some features of a successful class? Tasks and experiences are challenging, require creativity, and are not always alike for ALL learners Instruction is varied to meet the abilities of all students to guarantee success Instruction is project based and students are given choices in their learning. Instruction is based on higher level thinking for each child’s ability The focus is on quality vs. quantity! Advanced students should not be punished with more work, but rather should be challenged to think at a deeper level and produce a higher quality of work.
Qualifying For Advanced Courses Based upon State and District Assessment Must maintain a C or better Please read and sign the Curriculum Agreement letter with your child Turn in the letter to the office
Grading Policies: What the numbers mean… Grading for Language Arts: Tests30% Projects, Presentations 25% Quizzes20% Homework/Class work10% Journals/Writing 15% Grading for Social Studies: Tests30% Projects/Presentations25% Quizzes20% Homework/Class work10% Interactive Notebook15% Most weight is put on tests (studying important!), projects, notebook organization, and writing!
Homework Policy Importance of Homework キ Reinforces what has been learned in class. キ Prepares students for upcoming lessons キ Teaches responsibility キ Helps students develop strong study habits キ Allows the teacher to effectively evaluate student independent working skills
Late Homework Late homework will not be accepted. Example: tic-tac-toe spelling, vocabulary worksheets, social studies worksheets, reading logs, etc. Projects and Presentations Any projects or presentations that are not completed will be reassigned as an essay and completed in class while other presentations are going on. Study hall will also be assigned to students who have incomplete assignments.
Significant Assignments The Notebook Interactive notebooks: collected at the end of each unit in S.S on test day. Need a 3 prong/ ring folder. Requires a completed assignment log (we fill out in class and is updated on my website) and 3-hole punched notes/handouts/activities in the correct order. All notes and handouts must be saved for notebook. Notebook serves as a study tool for tests and quizzes. Keep up to date as we go along. Worth 1o percent of grade and 5 extra credit point on tests.
Significant Assignments The I-Search Paper Second semester: started in Jan. Due before Spring break. Students ask a ? related to any civilization we will study this year. Ex: Who built the Great Wall of China and why? Student task: to answer this ? using numerous resources. They will write a research report, create a visual display/model related to the topic, and teach what they learned to the class. This assignment requires higher level thinking, organization, reading/writing/research/presentation skills. It counts for both a S.S. and L.A. grade.
Significant Assignments Other projects and reading Ancient Man Project (1 st semester)—completed in groups. Each student will have 2 tasks to complete. Archaeology Dig Novels and book reports: Students are required to read 4 books per semester …8 total (outside reading). They will need to complete a reading log due every 2 weeks for 2 weeks of reading. 1 book report (pick 1 book to report on) is due at end of each semester. Narrative Writing: Spooky or Fall story in October.
Visual/Performing Arts component Based on an extension of the curriculum To develop student’s cultural awareness To have fun while learning!! Addresses students multiple intelligences May include: drawing, painting, skits, reader’s theatre, pantomimes, puppet shows, technology, public speaking, debates, in the learning process. Students given choice in how they show their knowledge of the CA State Standards.
My Website and Contact Info I will update my website weekly (Friday nights for the following week) and daily as needed. When able, I will attach notes, powerpoints, directions, and handouts. Please have your child check my site often. knuezhttp:// is the best way to contact me and get a quick response! My home for parents only is