Curriculum Night 6th Grade Mrs. Baker, Mrs. Brennan, Mr. George, and Mr. Pettit
¿Hay Preguntas? Habr a servicios de interpretacion disponibles en el salon 210 desde las 6 - 7:15. Si tiene cualquier pregunta sobre la presentacion por favor vis it enos en el salon 210.
Main Subjects Math Reading Writing Social Studies/History Science
Math Algebra Geometry Fractions Statistics & Probability Problem solving Singapore Math
Reading Class Reader Small Books AR Read Aloud Class Novels Other types of text Visualizing & Verbalizing
Writing Daily journal Reports Stories Poetry Spelling Grammar Write From the Beginning Centers based
Social Studies/History Geography Skills Mesopotamia Egypt Greece Rome Middle Ages Rise of modern religions Culture Report
Social Studies Guest Speakers If you know of anyone who may be able to come in to speak to our classes about religion, please let us know. –Egyptology –Judaism –Greek Mythology –Hinduism –Buddhism –Christianity –Islam We are also looking for cultural speakers –Chinese –India –Japanese –The Americas
Science Health Landforms Measuring time Plants Science Experiments Mrs. Baker can always use paper towels for science!
Other Material Study Hall Computers Current Events AR Parties Fun Friday Buddy Classes Field Trips - $200 (tax credit)
Homework Homework Policy –Due the following day it is assigned –If not in at beginning of class, it is late –Absences get extra time –ALL WORK IS EXPECTED TO BE COMPLETED AND TURNED IN ON TIME
Tax Credit $400 couple $200 individual Money goes directly to schools You get money back in tax return
Dress Code School appropriate Tank top straps at least 2” Shorts/skirts longer than arm length T-shirts should not be offensive/ill-humored Athletic shoes on every PE day Hygiene Cell phones
PTSO Give Me 5! New plan to encourage parents to volunteer 5 hours of service throughout the year – only 30 min a month will reach the goal! Goes with PTSO mission “to promote the welfare of our children at Boulder Creek, in home, school and community…”
Thank You Thanks for coming tonight and supporting your child’s education We look forward to working with you throughout the school year If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to let us know