TRANSITION to high school Where students and staff have... Strong Hearts, Bright Minds, and Be the Best We Can.
How many credits do you need to graduate high school? What are the three different levels at which you can take your courses? How long are the periods in high school? Which graduation requirement can you begin in the summer between Grade 8 and 9? Minds-On QUIZ!
Grade 9 Year Snapshot Two Semesters Semester 1: September to January Semester 2: February to June Each semester you have 4 different courses Exams at the end of each semester 4 courses (every day) + Common Lunch 8:10 – 2:15 75 minutes periods
Graduation Requirements 30 credits (18 compulsory & 12 optional) 4 English 3 Math 2 Science 1 Geography 1 History 1 French 1 Physical Education 1 Arts (Drama, Music or Visual Art).5 Career Studies &.5 Civics 3 Additional Compulsory Courses + 40 hours of community service + Grade 10 Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test
Grade 9 Course Selection COMPULSORY courses 2 OPTIONAL courses English Visual Arts Drama Instrumental Music Food & Nutrition Business Exploring Technologies Learning Strategies Math Science Geography Physical Education French
Choosing courses for success
Academic Courses (1D0) Theory and abstract thinking Faster pace More independent learning More homework Leads to University level courses in Gr. 11 & 12 Ideal for Gr. 8 students achieving Level 3 (70%) or higher
Applied Courses (1P0) Same concepts as academic courses Practical applications and real-life connections Slower pace More hands on and teacher guided instruction Leads to College level courses in Gr. 11 & 12 Ideal for Gr. 8 students achieving Level 1 and 2 (69% or lower)
Applied or Academic....which one?? Consider your learning skills and academic achievement Please take teacher’s recommendations into account Think of your post-secondary plans Remember you don’t have to take ALL academic or ALL applied, you can take a combination of both academic and applied courses
Optional Courses All Grade 9 Optional courses are OPEN level
Exploring Technologies – TIJ 1O0 A little bit of everything tech Design process for products Computer aided design Transportation – car and glider design Electronics Career exploration Major Projects Design and build a CO 2 car (out of wood) Design and build a glider (out of foam) Build and design a metal detector (using electronics)
Family Studies – HFN 1O0 Topics Studied: Food needs and choices Nutritional health and well-being Body Image Canadian food and global perspective Major Projects Food labs- many different types of dishes Food need collage Learning different cooking techniques Dietician website assignment
Business Studies - BTT 1O0 Topics Studied: Software: Word, Excel, Power Point, Publisher Web design Current trends and issues Presentation skills Major Projects: Newspaper Celebrity letter Plan a dream vacation Design a website
Visual Arts – AVI 1O0 Topics Studied: First Nations Ancient Egypt Drawing realistically Symbolism Elements & Principles of Design Painting & Sculpting techniques Major Projects: Picasso-style Superheroes Acrylic native paintings on canvas bags Canopic jars inspired by ancient Egypt Realistic portraiture of animals
Dramatic Arts - ADA 1O0 Topics Studied: Theatre games Tableau Voice Story drama Improv Monologues Character building Major Projects Social issues tableau Radio plays Choral reading Monologues Story drama (script writing)
Instrumental Music - AMU 103/5 **if you wish to be in the band, you need to take one of these courses** Major Projects/Performance Opportunities: Performance tests Computer composition project Self assessment project Beginner, Intermediate and senior band, jazz band, single reed ensemble Arts night – winter and spring Feeder school concerts OBA contest Senior concert band annual trip 103 is for people that have never played before. 105 is for students with a minimum of 2 years playing experience. Topics in both classes include: Performance Music theory Music composition Music and society
Learning Strategies - GLS 1O0 Topics Covered: Multiple intelligences Learning styles Memory strategies Time management How does your brain learn? Organization Note-taking Study and test taking skills
Link Crew First day of school is for Grade 9s Only! Fun group activities, BBQ lunch and mini tour Year long program consists of: – Student mentorship – Team building – Academic Follow Up – Exam Prep
Grade 8 Course Selection Opens Monday, January 4,