Strategic Policy Council May 19, 2015. Today’s Agenda Strategic and Administrative Policy Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Update Career and Professional.


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Presentation transcript:

Strategic Policy Council May 19, 2015

Today’s Agenda Strategic and Administrative Policy Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Update Career and Professional Education Policy

Strategic and Administrative Policy Jay Barber CareerSource Florida General Counsel

What is Policy? A course or principle of action adopted or proposed by a government, organization, business or individual At the highest level – visionary, directional statements to guide decision-making At the lowest level – specific rules, requirements and processes related to the implementation of programs

Different Levels of Florida’s Workforce Policy Legislative Policy: federal and state statutes Strategic Policy: CareerSource Florida is the principal workforce policy organization for the state. Administrative Policy: The administrative entity for federal programs shall be DEO. DEO Guidance

Policies Defined Legislative Policy Strategic Policy Administrative Policy Guidance

Features of Good Policy Forward looking Outward looking Innovative, flexible and creative Evidence based Inclusive Holistic Pragmatic Measurable

Budget Overview and Update Britt Sikes CareerSource Florida Chairman

Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Update Michelle Dennard CareerSource Florida Vice President of Policy

Preparing for Change Thriving partnerships across core programs Enhanced emphasis on those with barriers to employment Building upon CareerSource Florida’s emphasis on business engagement

Preparing for Change Local areas and local boards State board State-level core partners WIOA task force

WIOA Task Force Function Guiding Principles Expected Outcomes May 14 Meeting Update

Task Force Meeting Schedule June 11 July 16 August 6 August 27 Webinar

April-Aug Florida WIOA Task Force Meets (Two webinars and four in- person meetings) Sept WIOA Task Force Recommendations Reviewed by CSF Board and Board Input Gathered Nov Final Florida WIOA Implementation Report Approved by CSF Board and Submitted to Governor and Legislature Jan.- March Legislative Session March 2016 Submission of State Plan to U.S. Department of Labor WIOA Timeline

Need for Strategic Policy for WIOA Implementation

Career and Professional Education (CAPE) Policy Kevin Doyle Strategic Policy Council Vice Chairman

Thank You!