Global Warming in America Current World Problem:
Introduction: Global warming as a world current problem. History of Global warming. Effects of global warming on the current world. Climate change in the United States of America.
Analysis of Global warming. The need for Global warming to be thoroughly defined. Cause of global warming in America and parts of the world. Effects of Global warming. Globally, scientists have debated on the current extent of climate changes as a result of anthropogenic gases released to the environment. Human activities are accountable for the release of greenhouse gases which impact to global warming. Carbon dioxide is the most effective towards the build up of climate changes (MacCarthy 57). Today, over 50% of the America’s nature has been destructed by global warming. Desertification has been encroaching gradually without human awareness. Today, industries and manufacturing countries are increasingly emitting poisonous gases which have caused several impacts on the environment and the healthcare of people as well (Apikyan, Diamond & NATO 132).
Historical Background History of global warming in the United States of America. The effect of global warming in the united states of America. Results of global warming as a current world problem. Over the past 10 years global warming has shown no sign of cooling down due to the increased human activity that has became a controversial issue to the problem. Increase of carbon dioxide in the environment has triggered the effects of global warming. The effect of global warming in the United States has been one of the major factors resulting to health care issues. Recently, abundant complex issues of environmental issues have developed resulting to change in climate in America. However, physical, biological and chemical elements have been the major contributors of climate change. Physical elements compasses of space, water bodies, climate soils etc. Physical element determines the uneven nature of human being in the environment. Conversely, biological element involves plants, animals, and microorganisms, while chemical element includes specifically chemicals from industries (MacCarthy 47).
Global Warming Effects Globally. Global Warming in North America. Global warming as Americans top environmental concern. How the problem has received a widespread attention. Global warming is already affecting North America species based on the resent research carried out by scientists. The effect of global warming in North America could easily cause major shifts in the ecosystem across the continent. The American wildlife research described most species such as polar bears, waterfowl, and alpine amphibians have responded to global warming by shifting habitats, changing breeding patterns and rerouting their migrations. This is a clear evidence that global warming is resulting to future calamities such as drought if measures among other factors. Over the past 20 years or so, global warming has been the top America’s environmental concern. Globally, the issue of global warming to the world’s environment has been received with more than a few attention such as increase in water in the sea levels (McKinney Schoch & Yonavjak 142)
Global Warming Effects Globally Factors that influence the increase of global warming. Effects of global warming on health care of Americans and other parts globally. Evidence of global warming There are more than a few factors that have influenced the increase of global warming in the United States of America and other parts of the world. Direct effects of aerosols in the environment are very dangerous. Black carbon, fossil fuel, and organic carbon are dangerous when they are exposed to the atmosphere. It has been reported that over 35% of effects of global environment is caused by these gases. Continuous emission of these gasses can result in many factors (McKinney Schoch & Yonavjak 36). One of the major factors caused by these fumes is loss of living organisms and health problems such as cancer. Additionally, most parts of the world will result to desertification due to deforestation and other dynamics impacted by these fumes. The changes in climate such as prolonged droughts and long rains are major evidences of global warming (Metz & Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 35).
Analysis of the problem Causes of global warming as a current world problem. Climate change as a major result to global warming. Current human activity in America. The earth is experiencing climate change due to increased human activities which emits carbon dioxide to the environment. The modest estimates show that several factors in the environment have been affected by global warming. Compared to the world’s nature for the past 20 years or so, great changes have occurred unnoticed such as increased radiation in the environment. Over 60% of the global forestry and high decrease of sea levels has been as a result of increased temperatures caused by climate changes (Metz & Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 47).
Analysis of the problem. Major aspects responsible for global warming as a major problem in the United State of America and other parts globally. Nuclear waste in the United states. Effect of war as a result of war as a major impact of global warming. Over the past 5 years, increase of carbon dioxide has been the major factor resulting temperature changes and environmental changes. The effects of carbon dioxide to the environment are rampant due to the increased industries globally. As a mater of fact, nuclear materials manufactured in industries and combustion of oil produce large amounts carbon dioxide to the environment. When carbon dioxide gases mixes with other gases in the atmosphere wear out the ozone layer causing increased radiation on earth atmosphere. In addition, the effect of the second world war is another aspect that influenced the increase of global warming over the past 20 years in the United States of America (McKinney, Schoch & Yonavjak 68).
Evidence of global warming. Nuclear waste in the America. Climate change. Health care issues. According to research, climate change is a major challenge to environment. There are two major climate change categories described by the organization. These categories include human and natural causes. However, human activities in America are common causes of environmental degradation over the years. scientists claimed that greenhouse gases are affected by the emission of fumes from production and manufacturing industries (McKinney, Schoch & Yonavjak 124). According to their research, the rate of greenhouse gases is increasing at a faster rate resulting to global warming. However, they have come up with solutions on how to stabilize the greenhouse and prevent further changes. Conversely, the effect of nuclear waste is another aspect that has increasingly influenced the growth of global warming in the United States of America. Decomposed nuclear waste has resulted to health problems because they emit nuclear emissions which are dangerous to human health (Thomas 192).
Evidence of global warming. Nuclear fission energy is harmful . The globe most horrible and dangerous nuclear accident. Effects of radiation as a factor influenced by global warming. There are more than a few evidences of global warming in the United States of America and other parts globally. Today, Amazon or t melting ice is major evidence that global warming is rampant in the North Pole during the summer. Increased levels of sea and ocean water are clear evidence that the earth’s poles are affected by global warming. As the climate changes, the effect to environment is negative because most regions globally experience weird weather. Conversely, combustion of coal and fuel in vehicles are major aspects that result to production of carbon dioxide in the environment (Thomas 98).
Challenges in America. Effects of the post-World War II. Effect of carbon molecule released to the environment increases a threat to collapse of ecosystem. As human being continues to build up elements of carbon in the atmosphere, more climatic changes occur hence affecting the environment and the health in which human being inhabit. The effect of carbon molecule released to the environment increases a threat to collapse of ecosystem. Bombs used against Iraq by the American military are hazard to the environment. The first nuclear threat was resulted by the Soviet Union in the Second World War. Over 60% of the current climate change was resulted by the impact of radioactive material released to the atmosphere. The effects of bomb are rampant across the Asia due to increased exposure of nuclear materials.
Organizations Against Global Warming United nations against global warming. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Importance of environment conservation. There are more than a few organizations against effects that causes global warming. Over the past 20 years, United Nations in collaboration with Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), provided scientific aspects on how to conserve the environment. This organizations were established in order to develop solutions to eliminate the risks facing global climate affected by human daily activities. Basically, they identified that climate change was resulted by radioactive factors produced by human activities such as methane, nitrous oxide, and halocarbons. When these fumes from industries get their way into the environment, they cause effect to the human habitat and other organisms. Exposed aerosols are dangerous to the environment because they develop gradually, hence affecting the environment for a long period of time. The two organizations held a meeting in 2003 to educate people on the importance of environment conservation.
Challenges in America. Functions of NATO against global warming. Other organization against global warming in the United States. Weapons of mass destruction as an aspect that causes global warming. The challenges of global warming have influences growth of negative effects in United States. For instance, more than a few parts in the United States of America have dried due to the influence of climate changes. NATO is one of the few organizations that have done resent research based on global warming effects and how they can pose danger the future of America. One of the major solutions that NATO offered is that people should minimize their daily activities especially in the industrial market that influence climate changes. In addition, weapon of mass destruction is another major factor that has influenced the effect of global warming in the United States and other states globally. The effect of mass destruction such as the nuclear waste rapidly contributes to effect of climate changes (Apikyan, Diamond & NATO, 243).
Solutions to global warming. Possible solutions to global warming. Significance of possible solutions to global warming in America and other part globally. Globally, people have tried to look for solutions that can be implemented concerning global warming. There are more than a few solutions that can be implemented in order to global warming. Though, these solutions are not appropriate enough to put global warming since climate change became a major aspect. However, over the past 20 years or so, human being thought that the best solution to end global warming was by educating people on the aspects that conserve environment (Schneider 254).
Solutions to global warming Viable remedies for global warming as a current problem in the United States of America. Obstacles that stand in the way of any solutions, either domestic or foreign. The proof that humans are causing global warming is tough, but the query of what to do about it remains contentious. Economics, sociology, and politics are all imperative factors in planning for the future. There are more than a few solutions that can be implemented in order to en d global warming in the United States of America and other parts of the world. The best solution to end nuclear waste is by burying the waste in the soil or them in the sea (Schneider 54). America and global scientists noted that there was no solution of nuclear waste from the nuclear power plant. Another solution that can end global warming is by minimizing the use of old cars which emit harmful or toxic gases in the environment hence causing climate changes. However, there are more than a few obstacles that prevent solutions from being implemented. For instance, Industries are the major source of income to more than a few Americans globally, if the industries are shut down, then the economy of America would be affected. Industries are the major factors that increase global warming due to emission of gases to the environment (Houghton 43)
Politicization of Global Warming Over the course of the last decade, civic conviction in the reality of global warming as a logical fact has been politicized in the sense that a mass of the Americana believe it is true and a majority of the worldwide thinks it is false. It is a personal making out trait of numerous partisans. communal certainty in methodical claims is not just a role of the methodical conviction but also is highly dependent on the politics that industrial emission is major factor causing global warming. Effect of global warming in north America. Graph showing climate changes
Carbon pollution The Latin American area is a significant basis of carbon contamination accounting for around 12% of the world’s global warming pollution. The best part of these emissions happen from the defeat of tropical/hot forests. However, the section a is also residence to some large suppliers of oil/lubricant and other activities which are momentous sources of global warming pollution (Houghton 34) The Latin American region is an important source of carbon pollution accounting for around 12% of the world’s global warming pollution.
Global warming in America The effect of global warming in North America could easily cause major shifts in the ecosystem across the continent. The American wildlife research described most species such as polar bears, waterfowl, and alpine amphibians have responded to global warming by shifting habitats, changing breeding patterns and rerouting their migrations (Schneider 27) picture of cute animal affected by global warming Effects of Global warming to the environment.
Global Warming Reflection of global warming The figure describes the effects of global swarming to the environment. There are more than a few factors that can influence the effect of global warming globally. Generally, increase in temperature is one of the major factors that influence the effect of global warming in the united states of America. Not included in the graphic, “Skeptical Science illustrates” several other indicators such as Lake and rive ice cover freezing breaking up earlier, permafrost warming at greater depths, lakes warming, growing seasons lengthening because of global warming (Houghton 23). Reflection of global warming
Conclusion Effects of global warming in the United States of America. The reality of global warming. Significance of ending Global warming. Increase of solar power is effective . Industry that emits carbon dioxide In summation, the effects of global warming to the environment are dangerous. However, there are several solutions to this problem of climate change. If the current vehicles use ethanol as a source of energy, global warming will reduce with a rate of 45%. Increase of solar power is effective in reducing global warming because no carbon elements are emitted to the atmosphere. However, the major solution that most administrations globally should consider is the combustion of forest and release of gases to the environment. Every industry that emits carbon dioxide should be encouraged to install power technology machines for combustion. These gases do not produce carbon dioxide to the environment. Increase of carbon dioxide in the surroundings has triggered the effects of current global warming.
Bibliographies. Apikyan, S., Diamond, D., & NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Nuclear Power and Energy Security. (2010). Nuclear power and energy security. Dordrecht: Springer. Houghton, John T. Global Warming: The Complete Briefing. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 2006. Print. MacCarthy, J. J. (2001). Impacts, adaptation, and vulnerability ; contribution of Working Group II to the third assessment report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press.
McKinney, M. L. , Schoch, R. M. , & Yonavjak, L. (2007) McKinney, M. L., Schoch, R. M., & Yonavjak, L. (2007). Environmental science: Systems and solutions. Sudbury, Mass: Jones and Bartlett. Schneider, Stephen H. Global Warming: Are We Entering the Greenhouse Century?Cambridge, Mass: Lutterworth, 1989. Print. Thomas L, F. (2005). “Global Warming: Beyond the Tipping Point”. New York Times. Print.