1-1 Logistics Management LSM 730 Dr. Khurrum S. Mughal Lecture 17
6-2 Transport Choices CR (2004) Prentice Hall, Inc. Primary intercity carriers Air Truck Rail Water Pipe Coordinated services Piggyback Birdyback Fishyback Small shipment carriers UPS Federal Express Postal services Bus Package Express Agents Freight forwarders Shipper associations Others Autos Bicycles Taxis Human Electronic
6-3 Importance of Modes CR (2004) Prentice Hall, Inc. By Products Hauled Air --very high-valued, time sensitive products Truck --moderately high-valued, time sensitive products. Many finished and semifinished goods Rail --low-valued products including many raw materials Water --very low-valued products moved domestically, high-valued if moved internationally Pipe --generally limited to petroleum products and natural gas
6-4 Importance of Modes (Cont’d) By Volume Moved Percent Transportation of total mode volume Railroads 36.5% Trucks 24.9 Inland waterways 16.3 Oil pipelines 22.0 Air 0.3 Total CR (2004) Prentice Hall, Inc.
6-5 Performance Overview Relative Costs of Performance CR (2004) Prentice Hall, Inc. Price, Mode ¢/ton-mile Rail 2.28 Truck Water 0.74 Pipeline 1.46 Air 61.20
6-6 Legal Classification Common carriers Contract carriers Private Agents Documentation Bill of lading Freight bill Freight claims Damage, Loss & Delay Claims Overcharge Claims Free trade zones Documentation Modes International Transportation CR (2004) Prentice Hall, Inc.
6-7 Foreign (Free) Trade Zone CR (2004) Prentice Hall, Inc.