Chapter 3 Lesson 2. Introduction  In 1800 there were nearly 900,000 slaves in the U.S. By 1860 there were nearly 4 million. Some Africans—both in the.


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Presentation transcript:

Chapter 3 Lesson 2

Introduction  In 1800 there were nearly 900,000 slaves in the U.S. By 1860 there were nearly 4 million. Some Africans—both in the North and South—were free. In fact, by 1860, nearly 500,000 free Africans were living in the U.S. Yet they did not have the rights of full citizenship. Despite the hardships, most Africans found ways to survive. Some also found ways to fight back.

Life Under Slavery  Most southern states had slave codes, laws that shaped the day-to-day lives of slaves. Not allowed to leave the owners’ land Meet in groups Buy or sell goods Not allowed to learn how to read or write. (Remember: They were seen as property not people.)

 Overseers- people hired to watch the slaves and punish them if they got behind  Many families were split up when they were sold  In order to survive the slaves created close-knit communities. They tried to keep traditions alive Speak about Africa Religious beliefs gave many the strength to hold on ○ Spirituals- religious songs based on Bible Stories

How did people in slave communities help on another?  They gave comfort and support. They talked about Africa. They kept traditions alive.

Fighting Back  Most enslaved Africans did what they could to resist or act against slavery. Some did it quietly by breaking tools or letting animals get out on farms. Others chose a more violent way to resist- they rebelled.

Nat Turner  In Virginia on a hot August night in 1831, Nat Turner led an attack that killed 57 people.  His owner and owner’s family were killed.  Slave owners that tried to end the rebellion killed more than 100 slaves.  Turner and the other leaders were caught, put on trial, and hanged.

John Brown  Oct. 16, 1859  A white abolitionist and a group of followers seized a government storehouse full of guns in Harper’s Ferry, West Virginia.  He planned to give the guns to slaves fighting for their freedom.  Brown was caught, put on trial, and hanged.

In what ways did enslaved people resist slavery?  They damaged the plantation. They rebelled.

Running Away  Another way to resist slavery was to gain freedom by running away.  Once they fled they had to find places to hide. Many were helped by other slaves Some were taken in by Indians Others hid in forests, swamps, or mountains ○ (sometimes they hid for years)

 They either stayed in hiding or fled to free land in the North, Canada, or Mexico.  They traveled by using the North Star.

Underground Railroad  The Underground Railroad was a system of escape routes leading to free land.  Members were called conductors.  They led runaways at night from one hiding place to the next. The hiding places were called stations. Usually barns, attics, and secret rooms They could eat and rest at these places

Harriet Tubman  Most conductors were free Africans, white Northerners and some church leaders  Harriet Tubman was an escaped slave  She was a conductor that made at least trips guiding about 300 people to freedom  She supposedly never lost a single passenger.

How did the Underground Railroad help slaves escape?  Members led runaways from one hiding place to the next along escape routes.

Free Africans  In 1860, nearly 500,000 were free  Most lived in cities where they had a better chance of getting a job Carpenters Tailors Blacksmiths Shopkeepers Ministers Doctors Nurses Teachers

Wealthy Africans  Jehu Jones Owned and ran one of South Carolina’s best hotels  Thomy Lafon Made a fortune from his businesses in New Orleans  James Forten Ran a busy sail factory in Philadelphia He invented a new sail that made it easier for people to steer ships

Most Africans  Life was very hard no matter what  Unwelcomed in many places and treated unfairly  State laws in North and South gave them little freedom No voting Can only go to certain schools Can only have certain jobs  Some free Africans were wrongly accused of being runaways  Some were caught and sold into slavery

What was life like for most free Africans in the early 1800s?  Life was hard. They were unwelcome in many places. They were treated unfairly. They had little freedom.