Tuesday, November 4, 2014 Election Day 2014!
Congratulations to the Key Club for taking 1 st place in the school division in Craft Farms Scarecrow contest. The Key Club will receive an Apple TV and a $500 Apple Gift Card.
Please congratulate the following members of the Foley Theatre Company for receiving Superior Ratings and qualifying to participate in the State Theatre Festival at Troy University in December… Solo Acting Contemporary Dramatic: Bella Casciano, Ashley Patterson, Robyn Phillips Solo Acting Contemporary Comedic: Victoria Cirilli, Abbie Wester (Continued)
Duet Acting Contemporary Comedic – Sarah Ivey and Chad Finch Solo Musical Comedic – Brieanna Michanoxicz, Sarah Ivey, Candace Johnson The following members of the the Foley Theatre Company received an Excellent rating: Solo Musical Comedic – Abbie Wester Solo Musical Dramatic – Brandi Wresch, Paige Ford Duet Musical – Candace Johnson and Chad Finch Solo Musical – Cole Sahr
Any Foley Theatre Company member that is available to stay after school with Ms. Andersen to pretend sew should plan to meet in her room immediately after school on Thursday.
Kona Ice will be here today in the canteen area from noon until after school. You are welcome to go with your teacher or visit after school. Please remember to bring your money to enjoy a delicious treat!
Mrs. K has Pride Hut spirit shirts and hats for sale in room 207. Shirts are $10, hats and visors are $15, and hoodies are $20.
Attention Prom Committee Members: the first prom committee meeting is today after school in Mrs. Champions’ room. This is our first meeting and an important time to get our plans started.
NHS Members, Please sign up for a shift in Mrs. Dossett's room 921 for the upcoming Gourmet Apple Fundraiser. NHS sponsors reserve the right of refusal for shift requests in order to keep shifts evenly distributed. This will be motivation to sign up early.
There will be an Interact meeting Wednesday after school in Mrs. Styron’s room 803.
There will be a Head Hunters and student section meeting for the upcoming basketball season in Ms. Baker’s room, room 400, on Wednesday after school. All who attended the last meeting and anybody who wants to join please plan on attending.
Seniors: it’s time to order your fall shirts. The white long sleeve shirt is $20 and the navy short sleeve shirt is $15 – this is a pre-order sale only. Stop by Mrs. K.’s room – room 207 – to order yours! The last day to order is Friday, November 7.
Seniors, today is the BIG day! Get ready to apply to your college or university or to enlist in your branch of the armed forces. We will see you in the gymnasiums at 9:15 this morning.