Color Marking Reaction Lab Blue Red Green Purple Orange Yellow Pink
Watch for it! Pink- circle every use of the word “dissolve”
Formatting Clearly titled sections Single-spaced, one inch margins In correct order
Blue - manipulated variable in title
Blue- discuss reaction observed in class
Background Blue- discuss reaction observed in class Red- discuss manipulated variable
Background Blue- discuss reaction observed in class Red- discuss manipulated variable Green – discuss Collision Theory as related to your experiment
Focused Question
Green- question mark
Purple- manipulated variable
Variables Purple- manipulated variable Orange- responding variable
Variables Purple- manipulated variable Orange- responding variable Yellow- five controlled variables
Materials List
Blue- size of graduated cylinder
Materials List Blue- size of graduated cylinder Red- scissors
Blue- instructions for measuring and cutting magnesium
Procedure Blue- instructions for measuring and cutting magnesium Red- instructions for agitation
Procedure Blue- instructions for measuring and cutting magnesium Red- instructions for agitation Green- instructions for when to stop timing
Procedure Blue- instructions for measuring and cutting magnesium Red- instructions for agitation Green- instructions for when to stop timing Purple- instructions for 5 trials
Procedure Blue- instructions for measuring and cutting magnesium Red- instructions for agitation Green- instructions for when to stop timing Purple- instructions for 5 trials Orange- instructions for 2 other conditions
Procedure Blue- instructions for measuring and cutting magnesium Red- instructions for agitation Green- instructions for when to stop timing Purple- instructions for 5 trials Orange- instructions for 2 other conditions Yellow- instructions for finding average
Blue- title on data chart and graph
Results Blue- title on data chart and graph Red- labels in chart and each graph axis
Results Blue- title on data chart and graph Red- labels in chart and each graph axis Green- units next to labels in chart and each graph axis
Results Blue- title on data chart and graph Red- labels in chart and each graph axis Green- units next to labels in chart and each graph axis Purple- the word “average” in data chart and graph axis label
Results Blue- title on data chart and graph Red- labels in chart and each graph axis Green- units next to labels in chart and each graph axis Purple- the word “average” in data chart and graph axis label of one condition Orange – sample calculation under chart for average
Results Blue- title on data chart and graph Red- labels in chart and each graph axis Green- units next to labels in chart and each graph axis Purple- the word “average” in data chart and graph axis label Orange – sample calculation under chart for average of one condition Yellow- description of error bars in graph annotation
Blue- restatement of focused question
Conclusion Blue- restatement of focused question Red- answer question (describe trend)
Conclusion Blue- restatement of focused question Red- answer question (describe trend) Green- discuss data to justify above (report all 3 averages)
Conclusion Blue- restatement of focused question Red- answer question (describe trend) Green- discuss data to justify above (report all 3 averages) Purple- explain results using “collisions”
Blue- statement discussing how confident you are in your results
Evaluation Blue- statement discussing how confident you are in your results Red- describe first weakness, how affects data, and suggestion for improvement
Evaluation Blue- statement discussing how confident you are in your results Red- describe first weakness, how affects data, and suggestion for improvement Green- 2nd
Evaluation Blue- statement discussing how confident you are in your results Red- describe first weakness, how affects data, and suggestion for improvement Green- 2nd Purple- 3rd