Problem Statement Which paper towel is the most absorbent?
Variables Responding Variable: Constant Variables: Water Tray Cups Graduated cylinders Funnels Manipulated Variable: Sparkle, Bounty, Publix, Brawny, Bounty Basic, and school paper towels Responding Variable: Amount of water each paper towel holds
Hypothesis If we test which paper towel is the most absorbent, then Bounty will be the most absorbent.
Materials Sparkle cups Bounty graduated cylinder Publix funnel Brawny Bounty Basic school paper towels Water tray
Procedures Pour water into the tray. Place the paper towel in the water. Pick up the paper towel, then squeeze the water into the cup. Pour the water from the cup into the funnel that is sitting on top of the graduated cylinder. Record the number of milliliters that the paper towel absorbs. Repeat the experiment 2 more times and find the average.
Data Number of Milliliters of water 28 26 53 36 21 27 17 8 18 24 51 60 Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Average Bounty Basic 28 26 53 36 Sparkle 21 27 17 School 8 18 24 Bounty 51 60 49 Publix 31 Brawny 45 25 40 37
Results Our average results in order from least amount of water to greatest amount was school, and Sparkle were tied with 17ml of water. Publix had 24ml and Bounty Basic had 36ml. Brawny had 37ml and Bounty had 53ml.
Conclusion Our hypothesis was supported by this experiment. Bounty absorbed the most water by far. Surprisingly, Sparkle and school were tied, we thought Sparkle would be better. Maybe Bounty absorbed the most because of its design and layers. It was very thick so maybe that’s why it was more absorbent.
Application This experiment is helpful if you spill any liquid. Now we know that Bounty is the best paper towel to absorb spills. In the future we could repeat the experiment with different brands such as Scott, Kirkland, or Great Value. We wonder what brand will win in that experiment.
Bibliography Shuttleworth, Martyn. "Paper Towel Experiment." - Which Is the Most Absorbent? Web. 21 Oct. 2015. "Consumer Reports: Best Paper Towels." YouTube. YouTube, n.d. Web. 05 Nov. 2015. <>. "Consumer Reports Magazine: December 2009." Paper Towel Test: Consumer Reports. Consumer Reports Magazine, Dec. 2009. Web. 17 Nov. 2015. < archive/december-2009/home-garden/paper- towels/overview/paper-towels-ov.htm>.
Abstract The purpose of our project was to learn which paper towel was the most absorbent. We thought that Bounty would absorb the most water. We put the paper towels in water and then squeezed the water from the paper towel into a graduated cylinder and measured it. Bounty was the most absorbent. Sparkle and school were the least absorbent. Our hypothesis was supported by this experiment. When we spill something that is liquid, we now know to use Bounty because it’s the most absorbent. Our project could be improved if we repeated it using different paper towels or different liquids.